Interests: I played hockey for about 10 years, I'd like to start again sometime, but currently I'm after the less conventional sports such as SCUBA diving, rock climbing, logger sports, endurance biking, I've been considering starting a training program to prepare for triathlons because I'm addicted to jogging and biking. I love outdoors stuff like canoing, kayaking, backpacking, camping/ survival, lead climbing, out tripping, mountain biking, hiking, cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, I haven't tried snowboarding, I would also like to try snow shoeing. As for conventional sports: basketball, ice hockey/ road hockey, badminton, backyard football, backyard baseball, beach volleyball, and soccer.
I'd like to meet Ben Moon a pro british climber who puts most climbers to shame. I'd also like to meet someone who can fully understand my complex personality.
Music eh? We could be here all day, perhaps I'll just talk about style and genre of music. Sometimes I like to listen to hardcore death metal for one of two reasons: either I'm really pissed off or I want to get really pumped up for something. (ie: sporting event, working out) I love mellow music such as Mogwai, Sigur Ros, Smashing Pumpkins, Postal service, Frou Frou and Moby.
Some of my favorite flicks: Fight Club, Brave Heart, The Rock, Face Off, Gone in Sixety Seconds, Con Air, The Burbs, The Sandlot, Black Hawk Down, We Were Soldiers, Saving Private Ryan, The Great Raid, Good Will Hunting, Ocean's Eleven, Seven, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Boondock Saints, Super Troopers, Swordfish, The Punisher, Shawshank Redemption, Tommy Boy, Black Sheep, Gladiator
I used to watch television like most people. Then I started to get frustrated with annoying programming; so, I narrowed my television viewing to strictly the discovery channel. My favorite shows on television of all time would have to be Frontiers of Construction, Daily Planet and Extreme Engineering. Last summer I became so busy that I pretty much stopped watching television all together. I haven't really started watching again. I find that there are so many ways I can better myself in the time I would normally waste infront of that box with the moving pictures.
I read a lot of non-fiction books and guides. I own a growing collection of historical and books regarding warfare in several aspects. Survival guides, and other books of an outdoor nature. SCUBA diving books, identification field guides, encyclopedias and knot tying guides. One corner of my collection is reserved for guides to spiritual enligtenment and guided meditation.
My Dad. No seriously. My dad has played a huge influencial role in my life, he's taught me everything I know.