Jesus. Searching for the knowledge of God(I don't really know Him that well). Trying to understand his heart, his thoughts, his feelings. Trying to be rooted and grounded in love. Enduring to the end. Get this, man's wisdom is foolishness to God. And the wisdom of God is foolishness to man. I have a love/hate relationship with fasting and prayer(I never regret doing it, usually amazing) Going after the only thing that matters, trying to listen in the midst of the noise of the world(that includes myspace).
Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul, an angel of the Lord
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Casting Crowns, Chris Tomlin, Kutless, BarlowGirl, Newsboys, Misty Edwards, Jason Upton, Third Day, POD, Relient K, Will Philips. Songs of love and deliverance and hope.
don't really watch movies, there's some good one's though. As long as they bring glory to Jesus.Eternity
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The Living Word, Purpose Drivin Life, The Apostle: Life of Paul, Pursuit of the Holy, Jesus Letters, Shaping History Through Fasting and Prayer, The Rewards of Fasting.
Jesus, the apostles, everybody that doesn't give up on the race, and runs it to gain the prize.