my son jr @ 6 monthz....
all mai tias, homegurlz, homiiez, mai mommy(lexis) o0o N meE
Things about me that you dont care about
Name eRiCa
Age umM d0es it matter
Birthday 11/24
Hometown San DiEg0
Where you live paradise hillz right next ta skyline
Eye Color dark br0wn
Hair Color br0wn,blacC,red, bl0nde
Height alm0st 5'5
Weight 104
Righty or Lefty righty
Inny or Outty inny
Ethnicity al0t
Worst Fear uMm
Weakness n0t g0in ta say
Strengths umM the h0megurlz n h0miiez
Goals umMm ta succeed in life
Soda pepsi
Food candy
Car escalade
Actor/actress umMm
Music Artist or Band umM mr. shad0w
Animal tiger
Color BLUE
Song uMm i have al0t
Movie umM i0no
TV show al0t
Holiday mai birthdaii
Subject in school p.e
Resturant/Fast Food mc d0naldz
Pizza Topping i0no
Book d0nt g0tz 1
Thing in your room mai wh0le r0om
This or That?
Chocolate or Vanilla ch0c0late
Rock or Pop b0th
Pizza or Hotdog pizza
Ketchup or Mustard ketchup
Apple or Orange 0range
Computer or TV tv
Pencil or Pen pen
Color or Black and White blacC
Skating or Biking skateing
Beach or Mountains beach
Naughty or Nice naughty
Bright or Dark dark
Night or Day night
Late night or Early morning late night
Have you's?
Been in love yea
Smoke yea
Drank yea
Been on TV yea
Been in the News paper n0
Do you's?
smoke s0metimez n0t al0t
drink hellz yea
play an instrument n0t n0 m0rez
think you're attractive yea
have a crush on someone yea
think someone has a crush on you i0no
have a best friend n0pe l0oking 4 1
draw on yourself n0
have a cell phone n0t right n0w
find yourself bored a lot yea
have a myspace yea
have AIM snugglez1904
have MSN snugglez1904
have a girlfriend/boyfriend YeS
For a Guy/Girl
Hair sh0rt c0lor d0esnt matter
Eyes green, blue, br0wn
Height 5'6 ta 6'3
Weight under 180
Style umMm
Random stuff
Do you have piercings yea
Do you have tattoos n0pe
How many CD's do you own to0 many
Are you popular i think s0
Have you ever broken the law yea
Have you ever been arrested yea
Are you tired of this survey yea
Did you like it it was okaii
Are you done yea
Ok your done!
Survey Made by: El Jake
Contact Box Generated from