Sexxy RED profile picture

Sexxy RED

I am here for Friends

About Me

a LiL aBouT Me..
NaMe: Emalene Fragelus
NiCkNaMeZ: Mama-Family and Close Friends
AgE: 25
GeNdEr: Female
StRaiGht/GaY/Bi: Straight
BiRthDaY: Jan 3
BiRtHpLaCe: Miami-305 for life
CuRrEnT LoCaTiOn: Miami
HeiGhT: 5'3"
HaiR CoLoR: Brown
EyE CoLoR: Black but hazel, blue, or green with contacts
ThiNk YoUr AtTraCtiVe: Hell Yeah
CoNtAcTs/GLaSsEs?: Both
SmOkE/DriNk?: Drink
BeEn AtTraCteD tO ThE sAme SeX?: Hell No
EvEr BeEn DruNk?: Hell Yeah
EvEr BeEn HiGh?: No
PoPpEd PiLLs?: No
ArE yOu A ViRGiN?: No
EvEr WaTcHeD PoRnO?: Yes
Do YoU LiKe iT?: Yes
ArE YoU a FrEeK-A-LeEk oR jUs NoRmaL?: Normal in my eyes, but freek-a-leek in other eyes
FeTiShEs: None
AsTrOLoGiCaL SiGn: Capricorn
FeArs: Height
EvEr TaLk To YoUrSeLf?: Yeah but never answer myself
Do YoU CuRsE aLoT?: Not really
ArE YoU GuLLaBLe?: depends
DeMoCrAt/RePubLiCaN: Democrat
ShY oR OuTgOiNg: Both
NaUgHtY oR NiCe: Both
ReMeMbEr YoUr 1sT kiSs?: No
WhEn WaS iT?: No
EvEr SnUck OuT tHe HoUse?: yeah but paid for it
EvEr SkiPpEd ScHoOL?: yeah
EvEr ShOpLiFtEd?: no
GoT CauGht?: no
LiEd To A fRiEnD?: yeah
LiEd To A Bf/Gf?: yeah who don't
ChEaTed On A Bf/Gf?: no
BeEn iN a FiSt FiGhT?: yeah
&..39;TyPe Of MuSiC YoU pReFeR?:' Anything that gets me to shake my body
iN A GuY/GiRL..
BLoNde/BrUnEtTe: black
EyE CoLoR: no preference
TyPe oF pErSoNaLiTy: be yourself
StYLe: do you just be clean
HeIgHt: no preference but can't be shorter than me
SHy Or OuTgOiNg?: don't matter
AsShOLe BuT gOrGeOus oR SweEthEaRt BuT UgLy(iSh)?: sweetheart but ugly
ThiS oR THaT..
StAy iNsiDe oR gO oUt?: stay inside
FaT FrEe Or FULL oF CaRbs?: full of carbs
StRaWbERriEs PLaiN oR w/ WhiPpEd CreAm And ChoCoLaTE?: whipped cream and chocolate
FaSt FoOD oR HoMECOoKiNg?: homecooking ain't nothing like cooking for yourself or man
NiGhT oR DaY?: night
MaKE-OuT oR CuDdLe?: make out
SLoW DaNce Or FrEeKy?: freeky
FaSt oR sLoW?: slow

My Interests

I would like to meet new people who would better my life instead of causing more drama. I would like to meet people who will stimulate my mind. I would also like to meet people who enjoy doing new things.


I enjoy listening to RnB, rap, reggae, Kompa, country, gospel, and anything that gets me to move.


I love scary movies, comedy, and anything that keeps me up till the end and a good word of mouth




Any types of books. It could be fiction, non-fiction, mystery, romance, or any thing that don't make me go to sleep.


Get Your Sexy Name

Your Birthdate: January 3
You are more than a big ball of energy - you are a big ball of hyper.
You are always on the go, but you don't have a type a personality.
Instead of channeling your energy into work, you instead go for fun and adventure.
Witty and verbal, you can have an interesting conversation with anyone.

Your strength: Your larger than life imagination

Your weakness: You tend to be pretty scattered

Your power color: Lime

Your power symbol: Lightening bolt

Your power month: March What Does Your Birth Date Mean?