Police car rides home with lennox
Fan dancing at SC with charlotte
Pretty places with Adam
Contentness doing 'nothing' with ben
Being a BOY with lauren
Proving its not 'toofarawaytovisitland' with pilk
Shameless flirting with martin
Tea with john
Dancing with rhiannon
Being as gay as a bat and sexy as a tiger with ed
Being non related twins with leyla
Streaking with molly
Being drunk at the wrong times with boyer
Being places we shouldn't be,staring at the stars with ross
120 minutes With dom
Maximo park with ryan
Being WELL fit with stumpy
Drunken secrets with dave
Drunken rants with ellie p
Underwear discussions with ellie t
Randomly rare meetings with joel
Doing things dresses should restrict with cheryl
Talking about food and girls at stupid times of night with lee
Tickle fights with becky that don't get caught on camera
Gay bar talk with jenny
Being neutral as with anna
Anti-flag with helen
Being sam with sam
Whore talk with ollie
Thinking calming thoughts with spanky
Canoe crashes with alec
Wakeboarding better than the boys with leanne
Rollercoasters with alex
Car education with chafe
Beach parties with people i only ever see in the summer
Having no secrets untold with mitch.safe.
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