kristophorus profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

This profile best viewed on
I purchase the majority of my records from They have a HUGE selection and pretty much anything you're looking for is on there. Check it out!
They call me Crisko , no not the cooking oil. And not that stuff they use to grease tin foil.
I am METAL. I am rave. I am both HAPPY and HARDCORE =D. I am RUDE. I am industrial. I am hip-hop. I am alternative. I am punk. I am full of emotion, but I am NOT emo. I am sophisticated. I am thug. I am whatever you want to call me.
But I am always me.
I'm a level-headed, easy going yet complex individual who thinks and dreams way too much.
I love to do a lot of things with my time here on this planet Earth.
I alot.
I LOVE dancing the night away to hi-nrg and/or groovin ch00nage, no drugs or alcohol required ('hate the stuff).
I love Shakespearean tragedies.
I love to work out at the gym.
I love getting lost in big cities.
I love the outdoors. Camping, hiking, snow-shoeing, canoeing, water-rafting, kyaking, mountain biking, climbing, bouldering, etc. etc.
I love snowboarding and I LOVE SNOW!!
I love Moab.
I love billiards and hope to own my own table one of these days.
I LOVE The Matrix.
Yes, even video games.
I love MMA and UFC, thanks to Steve and Will
I also love Football. Both kinds.
(I was converted to Arsenalism by several concerned friends. And the fear of being pummeled to a bloody pulp. Go gunners!) I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
The Redefined DROZD Automatic BB-Gun! Available now at Airgun Depot!

The Rules of Fight Club.

1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB.

2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB.
3rd RULE: If someone says "stop" or goes limp, taps out the fight is over.
4th RULE: Only two guys to a fight.
5th RULE: One fight at a time.
6th RULE: No shirts, no shoes.
7th RULE: Fights will go on as long as they have to.
8th RULE: If this is your first night at FIGHT CLUB, you HAVE to fight.
Random Stuff:
I adopted a totally crazy ninja fetus who will flip out and kill you if he ever gets the chance from Fetusmart! Hooray ninja fetus!
I also adopted some stupid and stinky pirate fetuses from Fetusmart for my totally sweet ninja fetus to flip out and kill! Hooray ninja fetus!
You Are 26 Years Old
26Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?
adopt your own virtual pet! LLAMA!!!!! =o (Yeah, that's right. I named my llama winamp. He's kick-ass!! xD)
Your Brain's Pattern
Structured and organized, you have a knack for thinking clearly.
You are very logical - and you don't let your thoughts get polluted with emotions.
And while your thoughts are pretty serious, they're anything from boring.
It's minds like yours that have built the great cities of the world! What Pattern Is Your Brain?
Your Power Color Is Lime Green
At Your Highest:
You are adventurous, witty, and a visionary.
At Your Lowest:
You feel misunderstood, like you don't fit in.
In Love:
You have a tough exterior, but can be very dedicated.
How You're Attractive:
Your self-awareness and confidence lights up a room.
Your Eternal Question:
"What else do I need in my life?" What's Your Power Color?
You Passed 8th Grade Math
Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?
You Are an Indie Rocker!
You are in it for the love of the music...
And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label.
You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success.
You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career. What Kind of Rocker Are You?
Your Personality Is
Rational (NT)
You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!
Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.
You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.
In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.
At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.
With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.
As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.
On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things. The Three Question Personality Test
You Were a Spider
You tend to be the master weaver of fate - both for yourself and those you know.
A creative force, you tend to work from divine inspiration. What Animal Were You In a Past Life?
You scored as Pure Metal. Pure Metal! You are respected by all metalheads and are the only kind who can call themselves metal (unless you scored some on emo then what im saying would be false)!
Pure Metal


Death Metal


Glam Metal


Black Metal



What Type of Metal are You??? (basic branches)
created with
I am 0% Emo.
.. Okay... so I'm not emo at all.. I am probably not even goth, because goths are just messed up emo kids... I am probably a metal head... or into boy bands... Take the
Emo Test
@ FualiDotCom
You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?
Christopher R M Shepherd --
An immortal
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence
You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.
You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator. What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

My Interests

Ver. Next 2.0-- Under Construction

Right now, My life consists of three major things:

This is the process: I work for money to buy music and school or anything relating to the two. I'm currently attending school majoring in music specializing in recording technology. I hope to attend the LA Recording school after I graduate. =D

Many times I have been called a philosopher by teachers and fellow students. I'm always thinking and can never stop thinking. The only way I have to vent my thoughts is to write them down, so I'm also a writer. I love writing essays, non-fiction and fiction. When it comes to fiction though, it usually turns into science fiction. I absolutely love sci-fi. You can read some of the things I have written on my DeviantArt account. Feedback is highly appreciated. =)

Politics interest me, but I try to stay independent of a group of people's ideas since I usually don't agree with a certain political party's view on everything. I've been raised in a republican household with conservative ideals, but I find myself with liberal stances in many topics.

Religion also interests me, especially after taking a Humanities class in school. Being raised LDS has been kind of like The Village, to me. That is all I knew. After learning about other religions and sects of those religions I've come to appreciate all of the religion's of the world and respect their histories.
Buddhism has especially been an impact on my life. After studying Buddhism I was amazed at how my own feelings and beliefs were so closely related to this rather philosophical religion. I don't worship the Buddha Sidartha, even he said he wasn't a savior. But I do see him as one of the wisest men in the history of the world.

I take a special liking to electronics. The computer has been a big part of my life. I've made it a part of my daily life since the age of 6. Then when I got the internet at 8 I was hooked for life. Now through the technology I love so much I am writing my own music! But that's for later, scroll down for more of that.

Since there's a music section, I'll continue on to video games--

"Video Gaming increases hand-eye coordination and makes kids into better human beings!" -- Prof. Membrane

Video Games are what have influenced my creativity, imagination and have connected me with most of the friends I've ever made. I would be someone completely different if I never owned an original NES.

Some of my favorite video games would include: Final Fantasy, Half-Life 2, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Gears of War, Homeworld, Starcraft, Diablo, Madden and Fifa, Soul Calibur II Dance Dance Revolution and any other Bemani.

And then I was introduced the world of Alternate Reality Gaming through the Halo 2 Pregame: ilovebees .

All I can say is that after talking to a Rampant AI on a payphone in front of Wal-Mart, I'm very addicted.

You can check out my ARG blog at .

Other games:
-D&D d20
-Star Wars d20

When I'm not gaming, I'm usually listening or playing music. And so....

I'd like to meet:

Awesome, fun people who love deep subject matter. Anything from abstract art and progressive music to quantum physics, philisophy and mysticism. I love to meet new people that help me learn and grow.

If you have anything to do with the entertainment industry I'm definitely open for networking. I'd love to meet other DJs, Musicians, Technicians, Promotors, and Producers. Please check out my artist page here .

If You Want To Be My Friend:
-Please send me a message before sending me a friend invite. I want to get to know you before we are friends. I will deny any requests from people I don't know unless you send me a message before-hand.


"The great thing about music is that when it hits you, you feel no pain." -- Bob Marley

I love all kinds of music, but my three favorite genres would have to be metal, electronica and ska/punk. I've been into turntablism and mixing since I was 14. I started off with battle break/hip-hop but just couldn't keep up with technology demands, so I moved to trance and house. I'm a big fan of groups such as Ian Van Dahl, Armin van Buuren and Milk Inc. in the trance scene and in the house scene: Kaskade, Mark Farina and Marques Wyatt (UNoFM and OM records). I'm currently working with keyboadist/producer Drew Williams in a trance/electronica project code named "Epitaph". We will have some songs out soon!

I started playing piano at 8 years old. I played for 6 years then tried out the Sax for a few months. During that time I developed a love for percussion and began to study and play drums full time, usually teaching myself with what I learned from piano. I was the Percussion Officer at my highschool and I helped run/teach the class.

I've been in several independent music projects. I played for the singer of Escape Velocity (Now Arsenic Addiction) for about 6 months until they could get a drummer. From there I met up with Matt Cazer and Andrew Pulley and Epiphany was born. Epiphany lasted for a school year and a lot of great music came out of it.

From this time I started messing around on the guitar, which I soon grew to love. I've been playing the guitar since '03 and have some classical experience.

I put together a Blue Man Group project to perfrom the piece "Drumbone". We built the drumbone out of 4" and 6" diameter PVC pipe and it sounds great. We've performed it twice at the Mardi Gras dinner show Feb. 1 and 2 of 2005.

More recently, I've played with my good friend Naveen Hossain. We had a group last year called Greenstem, it disbanded when school started up. With the progressive sounds of Greenstem I was able to experiment and explore more abstract musical ideas like irregular meters and counter rhythm. You can hear some of the accoustic versions of our music on Naveen's artist page, As Alix .

I'm currently attending school with the mission of entering the recording industry as an engineer/producer. I hope to make my own music as well as work with other artists and to tour the world. Please check out my artist page for more information, any networking should be done through that profile:


And of course: Digitally Imported . The best Electronica stations on the net!

I'm a big fan of the Japanese music scene. Here are some of my favorites. Big shout out to Minami-chan for hooking me up with some of these CDs!

-RIP Slyme
-Dragon Ash
-Morning Musume
-Benny K
-Ayumi Hamasaki
-High and Mighty Color

Concert Attendence:
- SLC Jazz

Raver's Manifesto
Our emotional state of choice is Ecstasy. Our nourishment of choice is Love. Our addiction of choice is technology.

Our religion of choice is music. Our currency of choice is knowledge. Our politics of choice is none.

Our society of choice is utopian though we know it will never be.

You may hate us. You may dismiss us. You may misunderstand us. You maybe unaware of our existence.

We can only hope you do not care to judge us, because we would never judge you.

We are not criminals. We are not disillusioned. We are not drug addicts. We are not naive children...

We are one massive, global, tribal village that transcends man-made law, physical geography, and time itself.

We are The Massive. One Massive.

We were first drawn by the sound. From far away, the thunderous, muffled, echoing beat was comparable to a mother's heart soothing a child in her womb of concrete, steel, and electrical wiring.

We were drawn back into this womb, and there, in the heat, dampness, and darkness of it,

We came to accept that we are all equal. Not only to the darkness, and to ourselves, but to the very music slamming into us and passing through our souls: we are all equal.

And somewhere around 35 Hz we could feel the hand of God at our backs, pushing us forward, pushing us to push ourselves to strengthen our minds, our bodies, and our spirits.,

Pushing us to turn to the person beside us to join hands and uplift them by sharing the uncontrollable joy we felt from creating this magical bubble that can, for one evening, protect us from the horrors, atrocities, and pollution of the outside world. It is in that very instant, with these initial realisations that each of us was truly born.

We continue to pack our bodies into clubs, or warehouses, or buildings you've abandoned and left for naught, and we bring life to them for one night.

Strong, throbbing, vibrant life in it's purest, most intense, most hedonistic form.

In these makeshift spaces, we seek to shed ourselves of the burden of uncertainty for a future you have been unable to stabilise and secure for us.

We seek to relinquish our inhibitions, and free ourselves from the shackle's and restraints you've put on us for your own peace of mind.

We seek to re-write the programming that you have tried to indoctrinate us with since the moment we were born.

Programming that tells us to hate, that tells us to judge, that tells us to stuff ourselves into the nearest and most convenient pigeon hole possible. Programming that even tells us to climb ladders for you, jump through hoops, and run through mazes and on hamster wheels.

Programming that tells us to eat from the shiny silver spoon you are trying to feed us with, instead of nourish ourselves with our own capable hands.

Programming that tells us to close our minds, instead of open them.

Until the sun rises to burn our eyes by revealing the dis-utopian reality of a world you've created for us, we dance fiercely with our brothers and sisters in celebration of our life, of our culture, and of the values we believe in:

Peace, Love, Freedom, Tolerance, Unity, Harmony,

Expression, Responsibility and Respect.

Our enemy of choice is ignorance. Our weapon of choice is information. Our crime of choice is breaking and challenging whatever laws you feel you need to put in place to stop us from celebrating our existence.

But know that while you may shut down any given party, on any given night, in any given city, in any given country or continent on this beautiful planet, you can never shut down the entire party.
You don't have access to that switch, no matter what you may think. The music will never stop. The heartbeat will never fade. The party will never end.

I am a raver, and this is my manifesto.


The Juggernaut!

White & Nerdy

"Weird Al" Yankovic's music video from his new album "Straight Outta Lynwood" (in stores Sept. 26)
"You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland and I'll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes." -- Morpheus
In my honest opinion, The Matrix movies are the greatest works of art brought to the movie motion picture industry. Everything about them has been beautifully produced. These are my favorite movies ever.
But other than the Matrix, my all-time favorite movie would have to be Mirror Mask . It is absolutely amazing, (not to mention so is the lead actress Stephanie Leonidas ). If you have a chance to see this movie definitely take it. I absolutely LOVED it.
Other Favorites-- The Last Samurai, Fight Club, National Treasure, Stargate, Zoolander, Savng Private Ryan, Monty Python (Holy Grail), Star Wars, Kill Bill, Zoolander, Collateral, Manchurian Candidate, 2009: Lost Memories, Man On Fire, Transporter 2, V for Vendetta, Silent Hill, The Protector, Ong-Bak: Thai Warrior
I'm also into Japanese Animation. Here are a few of my favorites--
Akira, Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, .hack//OAVs, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Mononoke Hime, Love Hina


I am obsessed with 24, Lost, and Battlestar Galactica.
Here are other shows I love to death:
-Stargate: SG-1 and Atlantis
-Doctor Who (I have an extreme crush on Billie Piper.)
-The Dresden Files
Cartoon Network
Adult Swim
-Cowboy Bebop
-Ghost in the Shell
-Dragonball Z/GT
History Channel
Discovery Channel
Food Network
-IRON CHEF (The Original. ALA CUISINE! =o)
Fox News Channel
-Hannity & Colmes
-The O'Reilly Factor
-Fox News Live w/ Shepard Smith
CNN Headline News: The Glen Beck Show.
-Red Green Show
-Red Dwarf (--- Best Britcom EVER)
-Doctor Who (the older ones)
-Black Adder
-Survivor (Shut up, I like this show.. xD)
-CSI: LV/Miami Haven't seen NY yet.
-Family Guy


I love to read, but its really hard to find a good book and to find time to read said book.

I am currently reading: Republic by Plato. One of the greatest philosophical masterpieces of all time. Contains the famous allegory of the cavern, so I had to pick it up. It covers a lot of great topics such as the ideal city-state and justice. A great read.

-Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
-Halo books by Eric Nylund
-A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
-The Earthsea Cycle by Ursula K. LeGuinn
- House of Leaves
-Them by Jon Ronson


bt, M. Night Shyamalan, Miyamoto Musashi, Jack Black, Criss Angel, Jack Bauer, Dana White, The Prodigy BJ Penn, Quinton "Rampage" Jackson

My Blog

War and Peace

"With the release of atomic energy, man's ability to destroy himself is very nearly complete. The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended a war. They also made it wholly clear that we must neve...
Posted by kristophorus on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 12:29:00 PST

End Time

So today I didn't do anything but sleep and watch TV.  That is, the end of Underworld, some of Constatine, and several documentaries on the nature of hauntings and the prophecies of Nostradamus a...
Posted by kristophorus on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 11:19:00 PST


I fell asleep prematurely earlier this evening on my couch in my studio after attempting to start writing a paper due tomorrow evening concerning the effect of greed in upper-class business and its ef...
Posted by kristophorus on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:39:00 PST

Diablo Pt. II???

So, remember that blog I made earlier concerning Blanding, UT?May be a lot closer to the truth than I realized. Interestingly enough, we've decided to do a full investigation into the matter and we're...
Posted by kristophorus on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 02:14:00 PST

I need to get out

Whoever you may be, where ever you're from, it is a fact of life that being in one place for a long time without going anywhere can be very depressing. Well at least for me it is. I need to get out o...
Posted by kristophorus on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:29:00 PST

The Matrix Has Your Wallet.

My score on The Which Matrix Character Are You Test:Morpheus(66% Loyalty, 73% Focus, 34% Athleticism, 68% Imagination)You're the visionary. You stay calm and collected when things get hectic and you a...
Posted by kristophorus on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 09:35:00 PST

Lyrics to New Profile Song

totemo ayu wa daiskui desu. talkin' 2 myself (Romaji transliteration)Nani wo motomete samayou no ka?Tabiji no hate ni nani ga mitai?Kimi wa ittai nan ni obieteNani wo sonna ni nageite iru?Sono me ni ...
Posted by kristophorus on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 02:23:00 PST

Ever play that blizzard game called Diablo?

Ladies and Gentlemen, We at deal alot with geography.  Today we have discovered something we feel is immensely important. We have found the portal to Hell. That's right, a colleag...
Posted by kristophorus on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 03:30:00 PST

More Lyrics

Sex Machineguns - Soko Ni, Anata Ga wagamama to iwarete mo, wagamama to iwarete mo... wagamama de mo kamawanai. boku wa, kamawanai. dare ka ni sugaritakute mo, dare ni mo aisarenai. usotsuki to iwaret...
Posted by kristophorus on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:01:00 PST

Lyrics, Lyrics, Lyrics

BFMV - Her Voice ResidesOur time has ended I feel it's only just begun And I'm frustrated I can't believe your not the one My ears are bleeding Her voice resides inside my head And now I'm choking (r...
Posted by kristophorus on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 02:50:00 PST