...My Beautiful Sister..."If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane, I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again." Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
People, places, things, happenings, manners, congeniality, truth, compassion, medicine, bicycles, baseball, bassett hounds, playing the harmonica, sewing, giggling, laughing, snickering, fooling, joking, playing, daydreaming, sleeping, watching movies n' cuddling, anything that involves smiling and nice people.
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People who know tha shit about where to find good music in the midwest. I'm new to Iowa...tha't's right folks...ahhh the thingZ U do fer luff. So anyone in Iowa who wants a new Canadian friend...I'm game.
The Cure, Human League, Ladytron, Travis, Sade, OKCobra, Air Supply, Dee-Lite, PM Dawn, The Distillers, Frou Frou, Neil Diamond, Lil' John, Dre, Depeche Mode, Madonna, Coldplay, Keane, The Killers...and much much more..!
Get this video and more at MySpace.com
Muriel's Wedding, anything from Christopher Guest, Say Anything, Baraka, Magnolia, The Neverending Story, Old School - that was hysterical!, ohh action movies!! The Heist! eeP! Heat! the one with Bruce Willis..DieHARDS!
Obsessed with House, Family Guy, American Dad...only cause it's SO American..snicker.
Jayna Cook was
an Elegant Pick-Pocket
in a past life. Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me
The Velveteen Rabbit, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, anything fantastical....john Grisham is ok, I usually read medical textbooks. I'll have to think about it.This is my new pet...he loves to play. Finally! I got a pet tiger!! :O)
My Dad, Dorothy Orem, any person that wakes up with a smile after being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS or Cancer.