People, school, church, random outings, trips, writing, art, movies, music, shopping, internet, dennys, walks when its nice out, bingo... jeeze anything really haha
People who are down to earth, outgoing, who love to have fun, who are funny, nice, respectful, kind, caring, interesting, sweet, REAL... people who are not fake, stupid, shallow, liars, cheaters, snobs, cocky (to a point its okay), mean, rude, understand..
I guess i like a little of everything and a mix of music...dancey songs, the classic karoke songs, alternative rock, I really like the dance and rock from the 90s lol, i like songs that have nice meanings behind them and humorous ones too lol...basically anything thats not to any extreme.
Some good songs off the top of my head...
(videos not important; just the song hehe)
Comedies, Happy movies, Thrillers, Action, and I can't stand when movies have sad/crappy/twist endings lol...I dont like westerns, horror movies with bad endings (im a scaredy cat, i know), old black and white movies where you can barely hear what they are saying, and raunchy movies lol
Go to ... they have like every tv show and some movies! But i like Adult Swim (family guy futurama), TBS, HGTV, Nick at Night... anything funny really
I need to start reading more...
God, my family, real friends, people who have or who want to make a difference, and funny, original people :-)
Your Brain is Purple
Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.
What Color Is Your Brain?
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