Star Wars, Sci-Fi/Fantasy in general, music, reading, travel, history, the great outdoors, Movies, theatre, X-Box, PS2, psp video gaming and playing Guild Wars online, Yankees baseball. " .... width="425" height="350" ..
Happily married guy simply looking to meet new friends.
I have pretty eclectic tastes in music from Classical to Techno, my favourite genre would be Classic Rock though! .. width="425" height="350" ..
I love movies but I'll put my top ones here! Star Wars (all of them) Lord of the Rings trilogy, Saving Private Ryan, Goodfellas, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, Fargo, Dogma, Serenity, Unforgiven, Dawn of the Dead (remake), Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman Begins, Spirited Away and the list goes on and on. (You should see our DVD collection! lol!)
Stargate SG1 and Atlantis,Battlestar Galactica, Lost, The Sopranos, My name is Earl, Firefly, Seinfeld, That 70's Show, Little Britain, Band of Brothers, Black Books, Miami Ink and Spaced
The Lord of the Rings, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Catcher in the Rye, pretty much everything by Terry Pratchett & Stephen King
My late grandparents, my wife, JFK, Martin Luther King, Neil Armstrong, Derek Jeter and not forgetting Han Solo!