Running around in a toga like an idiot! No, just kidding. I like anything that will give a sense of accomplishment, like a natural high. So far that includes learning the talmud, hiking, camping, and all together being outdoors. I like to drive, however my car is back in America, so I haven't done that in awhile.
monkeys who wear tutus.
Has to be Jewish, with meaningful lyrics, and good instrumentation. Simply Tzfat and a few others. I wish there was more great jewish music around.
adressed in the TV section.
i don't watch tv. it numbs your brain. oh and all the people that compare everything to some television show, you don't know how stupid you look. just think about it, you have no life experiences besides television to identify with? scientific studies have proven that it takes less energy to watch TV than sleeping.
Talmud Torah!
lil' bunny fufu for being so fluffy and bopping the meecey mice on the head, oh and i almost forgot, i designed some parachute pants from the '80s to fit you, have fun! fluffngruff for gruffin my fluff, the boogey man for scaring me at all the right times, Sruky for having conversations about absolutely nothing at night and being the best roommate in the world, Jakie Edelman for being yourself, soft towels for soaking up all the water and sweat I put in to everything I do, Rav Rockmill for being the Rock and smacking me at all the right times, Rav Burnham for getting in my face when I said something incorrect, Rav Goldberg for giving the best advice, and last but not least at all, Rav Samet for being a walking inspiration.