I NEED HELP! I totally SUCK at ever finding people on here or anywhere online for that matter. Hell I even literally have trouble finding my own profile when I use the Search thing if that puts it into perspective. ANYWAY... I'm trying to find someone I went to high school and lost touch with. She went to LVA for 3 years with me, tried GVHS, then finished at Horizon if that info helps. Her name's LAUREN MATHEWS. Her d/o/b is Valentine's Day 1980. She's now married to a guy named Sean St. Marie, and last I talked to her she moved back to Philly. Hmm...what else??? She loved U2, and she had a dog named Clyde that was "her baby" and HIS birhday was 4/20 (go figure.) Anyway, u can see I'm graspin as straws here with what info I got, but I'm hopin I find her thru some sort of cosmic 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon phenomenon. Otherwise I'm basically fucked...for lack of a more poetic and classy way to put it. I'll pay a reward for anyone that finds her....long as u don't have a problem acceptin rubber checks. LOL. Seriously tho, any info would SO rock.