Most activities where you can pack in a cooler bag, newspaper, sunglasses and set off on a mission to explore the law of unintended consequences, also philosophy and reading in general. Outdoor stuff. Challenges. Truth.
Anyone really - unless your an idiot! Yes I realise that precludes most of the people on this planet! Nah, please, waste my time, i don't mind....
From Bob Dylan to Thievery Corporation. No metal, sorry African Beer Monster! Andrew Bird, Arcade Fire, Band of Horses, Interpol, and the like..
Pi (as the mathematical symbol - 3.14....); Metropolis (Fritz Lang 1980s one).
I honestly try avoid TV as much as possible. Its evil and I find it tiring - it hurts my brain!
non-fiction, (auto)biographies, Jeneatte Winterson, Tom Robbins, George Orwell, Atwood, Houllebecq; anything that is well written. Favourite book is probably still Winterson's The Passion or possibly Michel Houellebecq's Atomised. The list goes on..