old friend's and family that I have lost contact with. I know that the ones that hold my ♥ are in my life at this current time so no need to be searching.
I really like pretty much anything right now, music is how I feel I express myself the most. Usually the songs on my page will describe what is going on with life at that time. But at other times, it's just 'cause the song has a really good beat or I just like it.
I've actually seen more movies now because of SOMEONE, no names. I never really watched so many movies before you hun but I enjoy relaxing at home or going to the theatre to watch something exciting. Probably my most favorite movies of all times is The Breakfast Club, Grease 1 & 2, Memoirs of a Geisha, Crash, and just about every Harry Potter Movie that has come out so far, nerdy I know.
Don't watch too much TV but I've recently been watchin' a little fooseball
Um, don't think I've picked up a book for quite some time, but that doesn't mean I'm illiterate.
Naturally everyone says their parents...I too say my mother, my grandmother, my sisters, my aunts and my daughter Tatianna Rynnea! I love each and everyone of these women.