Misfit, Social Distortion, Bad Religion, Minor Threat, Better than a Thousand, Flogging Molly, Good Riddance, ill niño, deftones, slipknot, incubus, nofx, pennywise, 311, raised fist, sick of it all, the adicts, bouncing souls, casualties, the vandals, union 13, austin tv, saves the day, taking back sunday, the anniversary, get up kids, alkaline trio, napalm death, asesino, brujeria, at the drive-in, cursive, hot rod circuit, mineral, appleseed cast, brand new, mates of state, placebo, eskorbuto, la polla, tiger army, D.R.I, los crudos, black flag, grito, maltrato, cro-mags, terror, agnostic front, fallas del sistema, limpwrist, frontkick, vgs, otra vez, la vieja loka, bigwig, 7 seconds, champion, descendents, circle jerks, deviates, ekkaia, gorilla biscuits, madball, walls of jericho, youth brigade, ten yard fight, battery, bold, carry on, comback kid, death before dishonor, the promise, blue monday, miles away, death by stereo, casey jones, floorpunch, h2o, in my eyes, kill your idols, xsangre jovenx, masacre 68, with honor, xlooking forwardx, youth of today, en tu contra, dias de radio...hermosillo HxC
clockwork orange, karate kid, forrest gump, shawshank redemption, euro trip, kill bill, trainspotting, American History X, battle royale, detroit city rock y otras...
simpsons, Family Guy, Full Metal Alchemist, niptuck, seinfeld, the o.c, mxc, slave to metal, american chopper, monster garage, chappelle show, prison break, CMLL, Bones...
batman, spiderman, the thing, blade, el santo, blue demon y el chapulin colorado...