Just to be a little more happier richer in health physical eundarnce and to be more of a person than I was when I felt hopeless and to hope for the better and be the example for others be there own example and go ahead in life in humility no matter how much money or what ever i get cause no one is immortal and we are all just human young kill whoever you want in this life but the worst thing suicide
someone better than me
I want to just see people having more respect for them self on the dance floor it's only a show a place you go and hang out and releive yourself from stress stop the fighting and shoting at people we need to be more compitent in this world if your going to drink atleast eat some food and now your alchol and drug limits and porpotionize yourself to realize that every action you make is something that you alone are resposible for not anyone yes drinking is good but only in what you can handle yeah drugs is good but it was intended for sick people not because your depressed then excerise take a walk around the block and clear your mind or whatever you do something physical before getting angry cause gangstars move there bodies too and we are all human end of discussion
there needs to be less movies projecting sex and voilence every body in this world is guilty when new born wakes up and shots and skin a dog to sell the fur on a dog going thru the neighborhood on the internet cause some fail to believe that
it makes alot of people make a decent living
I like to study Quantum Calculus Anotomy Nano technology Physics Business religion book Like the Bible And Quaron Newspaper business section Almanacs Geometry studying other languages music business books archaic artworks and such on so forth like a basic intelectuall hustler that reserves and utilizes his knowledge on the world
My mother and Father for bring me to this earth and God most important for creating Adam and Eve. And also my Grand parents My grand Aunt B and all the people in my life that I have known that I believe have brought me thru to this point in my life and for those that hate my countless successes in life. I pray that god will have mercy upon your souls and all that you posses and that he will give you grace and never find his wrath against you. I'm my greatest hero on earth and all those doubters you can only hold your hand in front of my life for how long. Don't get mad cause you feel like your girl tells me the truth and lies to you go ahead try to keep your eyes off my ass cause if you keep looking you will find a black donought with me taking a shit winners stay focused and haters get ready to lose again we are still winning. The atlethes and players are still playing the game and the haters are rushing to be the duplicate Hi hater (Young Joc)