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to live in His UNLIMITEDNESS!!

About Me

Losing everything that i held onto and thought i needed ONLY lead me to find and hold onto the ONLY ONE that life needs = JESUS, found broken and now am being made whole in HIM. Without HIM i am nothing, with HIM im able to live again and am seeking the calling on my life that i may live out each day to its FULL potential. This GOD that im falling in love with, and getting to know is ONE that shows me true life, true love, and to see, think and feel things in its form and shape that no other, or no one can show me. IM WOWED all the time, im in AWE of the One that i love, i cannot begin to behold HIS tru identity which makes this life i live in Him soo new everyday, making life interesting and never boring.PEEPS we've entered a NEW year = 2008...a year of new things...a NEW BEGINNING...a NEW ERA...A NEW SEASON...a NEW YEAR where there are NO LIMITATIONS why coz the GOD i love and choose to run with IS simple UNLIMITED!I continue to stand in honour and will honour the best of the best whom i serve GFRESH, and together living to love, to serve, to praise, and to wait on THE GOD of wonders (who holds the universe, your life in HIS hands) a GOD who we cannot contain because HE IS SOO BIG and a GOD that is indescribable because HE IS...as the year continues to unfold without expecting anything BUT HIM, we will live to know what we are called to do and to live in it. my desire for myself, and you is to live life to the full, reaching our full potential that only will continue to and in eternity!I LOVE YOU GOD and I PRAISE YOU!I LOVE YOU GFRESH!and to whom that read this and don't know GOD, i gotta tell you this - the GOD that i proclaim, LOVES YOU!!

My Interests

Come To Jesus Christian Fellowship == Generation F.R.E.S.H UNLIMITED == CTJ KidsWORLD!!to see and make a powerful change in the lives of children in all nations!

I'd like to meet:

YOU YOU YOU!! oh did i mention YOU!


G'FRESH(woot woot u rock)...GFRESH are you ready ready??...Yes we are READY READY!!...


im girly girl....so chick flix....BUT im willing to watch other movies with a group people..and you gotta be FUN! ehaehae im sure you are..??


F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Will and Grace, reality tv shows - Aussie idol, So you think you can dance


the Bible ,, Heart Ablaze ,, Good Morning Holy Spirit ,, Drawing Near ,, After God's own Heart



My Blog

I've got a question!??

Happy birthday JO!...i hope u enjoyed ur twen-teenth birthday!!...well peoples had some good time,,created great memories,,enjoyed the spam, corned beef, n fried rice..and the yummy dinner! each one o...
Posted by Jasmene on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 02:13:00 PST

...blah blah blah...

aye aye aye...well wat another saturday night...all alone at home,, nah not alone,, im here with rentals and sis...tryin to be in the "good" books with rentals, not that i was in the bad and got into ...
Posted by Jasmene on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 02:36:00 PST