LOVE by bigbootyblack07
Are you single or taken?: I'm taken
if taken by who?: Yall know T.L. C
Whats so special about this person?: Everything
when did you meet?: 3 years ago
how long have you been together?: Almost a month
when is their birthday?: 12/17
are you falling in love with them?: HELL YES
what color are his/her eyes?: Brown
Why did you fall for them?: I love everything about him
do you think it will last?: 4 ever
whats the most romantic thing they have done for you?: Love me for me
do you talk to eachother everyday?: When he's not acting up
what do you want most for this person?: The world
are they mean or nice?: Both
hot or sexy?: FUCKIN' SEXY
boring or fun?: Fun
do you share secrets?: Yes
do you cuddle?: Sometimes
have you done THE DEED?: What do you think
do you get along with their family?: Yes
do you go out or stay in?: Both
have you been on an ACTUAL date?(hooking up doesnt count.): Somewhat
do you care about them?: 100%
what would you do for them?: Everything
finally....why do you want to stay with this person?: Because I love him
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