Hi all. This is Logan. Im an aries and im just gonna say im the clumsiest person ever. Im move fast, think with my heart not my head, and will take what you tell me completely seriously. Even though your being totaly sarcastic. it suscks sometimes but its cool cuz i dont get (too) pissed off that easily. I do however piss some people off because i speak what i mean and what i belive. Even if it means i might loose a friend. But if you can handle intensity and spontaneity we could make great friends. I also get terribly bored with general things like the position of the funiture in my house or the current job im at. But lately keeping jobs has been easier. I have lived in Baton Rouge for what will be 2 years in may 08. I am all about new things. I'm originally from Ventura, CA. Holla to the 805. I desparetly want to go back home cuz here is not it. I would terribly miss Liz though. I like exercising but dont do it often. Unless you count waiting tables. Servers you KNOW what i mean. But really who can complain about the hours to pay ratio. Oh yes and on that note please pay attention to the following message.ATTENTION ALL LOUISIANA RESTARAUNT DINERS!
We as servers in this state make only 2.13 an hour (fuck this state!) so PLEASE recognize that the next time you go out to eat and complain about every God damn thing, run my ass fifty thousand times for all the things your probably not going to use. What im trying to say is that ten to fifteen percent is not acceptable anymore. Just to let you know.Now back to me. Peace
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