Brenda profile picture


About Me

By GOD'S wonderful grace, I'm a fun-loving, cordial, humorous, polite, understanding, compassionate, & devoted BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIAN! Sometimes I fall (spiritually) by the wayside, but God's always there to pick me up & put me back on the right path. One of the many things I give glory to God about, is that people say they see the Christian in me all the time. The fact of the matter is, I'm not ALWAYS acting or being christ-like, but hey, that's the whole reason why Jesus had shed His blood, to cover our sins, so that we may have fellowship w/ Him & live with Him for all eternity, if we accept Him as Lord & Savior....& what a beautiful savior we have in JESUS CHRIST!

My Interests

The Holy Bible, San Diego Chargers, Ice Hockey, Fashion, Reading, Inventing, & Aerobics.

I'd like to meet:

Free Cursors


HOT Myspace Layouts


Comedy, Action, Romantic Comedy


Christian & suspense novels.


JESUS CHRIST, of course!....who would dare 2 die 4 all mankind & yet B as holy as he? NO ONE, but the precious LORD himself!