"UPular Remix"- Pogo
My name's Jessica, blahblahblah.
o I live to love and learn, not to regret.
o I indulge in even the simplest things in life and find joy everywhere I go.
o I get lost trying to figure out my brain. And then it hurts.
o I zone out at random times, and chances are I'm probably thinking about something ridiculous.
o I appreciate intellectual discussions very much.
o I am a robot.
o I hate pricks/drama.
o My primary ethnic groups are Irish and German.
o I'm in the midst of making 3D Graphic Design/Animation my career.
o I want to do a number of things with my life: Become a drag racer, build motorcycles, draw tattoos, have my ass shoved out of an airplane at 3947257290 miles up in the air, the works.
But anyways, I talk a lot. I just don't care for typing up so much when chances are no one's gonna give two shits to read all of it. :-D -Just send me a message and I guarantee you, you'll have made a new friend.
"Love is the law, love under will."