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-DeAd PreSiDenTz-

About Me

Im Bermudian/American and like many other people i like money.i also play halo check out my acc http://www.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerGameList.aspx?player=SoSLe eeePyZzZz ADDICTIONS -MUSIC -WOMEN -MONEY -FAME -HALO -CANDY -LAFFN -GAMBLING -WINNING -SEX -FOOD -LOOKIN AT MYSELF IN THA MIRROR

My Interests

Halo,girls,Halo 2,Food,Basketball,Warcraft 3, food,musik,Jetskiing,money,girls,Cars,Shiny stuff,SNare drum,girls,movies,Tomb Raider, Need 4 Speed, Nba Live,guns, o damn almost forgot 2 say girls

Take My Quiz
From QuizYourProfile.com
Can I swim?

A) yes
B) no
C) sumtimes

Where i wanna live 4 the rest of my life

A) Texas
B) Las Vegas
C) Bermuda

Whats topp priority in my life?

A) Food
B) Money
C) Women

Do i like north carolina?

A) yes
B) no
C) ask me later

Make a Quiz for Your Profile!


I'd like to meet:

sum1 who wont let me down, so far im 1-1000000 (libany Lib8675J


Eminem,LiL Wayne,pharrel,game,Fabolous,b.i.g,Cassidy and LudacrisR THE FREESTYLE KINGS.And if u disagree, dont even look at me,ho, dont pass go, jus go st8 2 jail, without probation or bail, but this aint monopoly, imma jolly green giants cuz i got so much broccolli.......


Scarface,Killa Season, Paper soldiers, All the Fridays,Kings of Komedy,Balla Blocken,How High


mann only usa at 10 00 :p


n e thing


The man that invented money. $$$$$Pure genius$$$$$

My Blog


2 all my myspace friends im sorry if ive never gave u comments or attention but now im tryin 2 make it right again if i added u ill try 2 derop u a comment 1st if u added me try 2 comment 1st and...
Posted by SLeeeePy on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:28:00 PST


I said id never do this but im left with no othere alternative my SoSleeeePyZzZz acc is full stop sending friend request unless otherwise told 2 do so u may notice u can send me f r s but thats cuz im...
Posted by SLeeeePy on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 10:23:00 PST


aparently i wasnt into enuff detail i own my own business week rake in hundreds of thousands of dollars a week  puttin in air conditioning and my graduation present is 10 acess 2 my 10gs ( my fat...
Posted by SLeeeePy on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 06:41:00 PST


I was sure this would catch your attention look Im eatin good so good im tired of steak so i thought id give you broke ppl a break id sponsor a ffa player or one player off a team 4 about 2-3 mlgs&nbs...
Posted by SLeeeePy on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 06:08:00 PST