Amber profile picture


Rock out with your cupcake out

About Me

I like to smile and wave at strangers, it confuses most. My "inner hair color" is actually the exact same color as i had in High School... a few of you guys will remember that.
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My Interests

music, art, photography.
You Belong in Paris
You enjoy all that life has to offer, and you can appreciate the fine tastes and sites of Paris.
You're the perfect person to wander the streets of Paris aimlessly, enjoying architecture and a crepe. What European City Do You Belong In?
You are Brigitte Bardot
Naurally sensual and beautiful
You're an exotic beauty who turns heads everywhere
You've got a look that's one of a kind What Famous Pinup Are You?

I'd like to meet:

Your Hair Should Be Pink
Hyper, insane, and a boatload of fun.
You're a traveling party that everyone loves to follow. What's Your Funky Inner Hair Color?
Which Rock Chick Are You? mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="" ..type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent"


Jack White, Nina Simone, Electric Eel Shock, Sonic Youth, Jim Bianco, Interpol, Pixies, Mos Def, The Cars,Muse, Mars Volta, Led Zepplin, Murder City Devils, Sparta, The Rolling Stones, Smog, Motley Crue, Radiohead, The Sonics, Shins, The Postal Service, Kate Earl, Elvis Costello,White Stripes, Death Cab For Cutie, Elton John, Love, At The Drive In, Nirvana, Alexie Murdoch, Nick Drake


Say Anthingthing, You Me And Everyone We Know, Garden State, Rad, City of God, The Big Lebowski, Kill Bill, Rock and Roll Won't Wait, Annie Hall, The Royal Tenenbaums, Goonies,Pulp Fiction, Old School, Big Fish, True Romance, Little Big Man, Cool Hand Luke, Gleaming the Cube, Heathers, Jackie Brown, Endless Sunshine Of A Spotless Mind, High Fidelity, Fargo, Almost Famous, Dave Chappelle's Block Party. Godfather's 1 and 2 but not 3.
Your Life is Like
High Fidelity What John Cusack movie are you?


the simpsons, arrested development


Bukowski's Women, Me Talk Pretty One Day, The Weetzie Bat Books, Breakfast of Champions, Linda McCartney's Photography book, The Chosen, Hauted by Chuck Palahniuk. Love In The Time of Cholera, Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet,


my soon-to-be-mom-friends
adopt your own virtual pet!

Find your own pose !

My Blog


Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One) Good. You know your music. You should be able to work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and BarryTake this qu...
Posted by Amber on Fri, 19 May 2006 05:16:00 PST

watch out hipsters

Your Monster ProfileWild WarriorYou Feast On: BeerYou Lurk Around In: SewersYou Especially Like to Torment: HipstersWhat's Your Monster Name?...
Posted by Amber on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 10:55:00 PST

It's a sad day

It's a sad day for me, I broke up with my Malibu. We'd been through a lot together over the years. Ol' Bu and I have been workin it out for nine years. We'd survived an icy spin out back in Seattle...
Posted by Amber on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 11:07:00 PST


So a week in tha Atlanta International Airport... Let me say that this airport rocks, of all four airports I'd been in this week Atlanta was by far the best. I was there working last week and fou...
Posted by Amber on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 10:33:00 PST


While in a worried state about possibly not getting to take my vacation (which is only three days long) Arron and I stumbled upon the online cartoon of Strongbad. I forgot how funny it was. My bes...
Posted by Amber on Fri, 06 Jan 2006 10:29:00 PST

home decorating

Hey guys...Arron and I are having our bedroom decorated by a HGTV show. I was scared at first because a designer said (during the first meeting/interview) that they were basing their ideas on our obsc...
Posted by Amber on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 11:19:00 PST

day off domesticated

I'm being very productive (except right now playin around on myspce hehehe) I got up early today, took a walk up to the top of the highest hill in my neighborhood. It is really high I could see a...
Posted by Amber on Tue, 27 Sep 2005 01:17:00 PST

weird ass dreams

Having uncomfortable sleep lately, weird dreams that create a mix of sleepy, stress, tense neck/shoulder, and restlessness. I need to do something...start working out. Do something to get my mind of...
Posted by Amber on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 10:57:00 PST

I hate craigs list

I think because of today's experience I will never again have anything to do with Craig's list. So, one day I may want to list that I'm selling a ridiculous collection of my little ponies I've accumu...
Posted by Amber on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

new apartment

Arron and my new apartment rocks, I do miss the ladies of 3950 Boyce though. And sweet Peanut dog face. I hope to have it all set up and have a house warming get to getha one of these days.
Posted by Amber on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST