.:ima rascal:.[tokyo gun crisis] profile picture

.:ima rascal:.[tokyo gun crisis]

I am here for Friends

About Me

Herrow! I am Lei-Mai
you can call me
i love ginger bread humans... in sainsburys they sell ones you can decorate yourself an thats ded good!
granny smith apples and green grapes are boss
i like melting stuff and taking things apart.
i want a japanese akita an a cat for it to play with
my wellies are boss.
**got, got, need, got, got, need, swap**

i like taking showers and avoiding washing my hair
and then washing it abar 5 days later coz it just feels boss.
I am 23years old, I should probably think about growing up
but i can't be assed!
i wana make a hentai paper mache figure but i don't read enough news papers.
i collect lots of stuff like toys and vinyls...
little silly stuff i don't need and surprises
makes me happy most of all
my family, my friends ^_^
My current obsessions incluuuude...
computer games
my japanese ds lite
people who grow hair for me
lolita outfits
shoes and sneaks
being comfy
annnd playing out with the brevs!
also getting tattooed when i can afford it!
i draw hentai when i'm bored!
i'm a thai bite with english mustard
slanty -_- heeeeee!
if you like... you can add me to your msn
for a chat yupp...
i don't really like msn butttt
sometimes i have nothing better to do!
[email protected]
i am dead nice! I AM THO!!
unless your a dick head

i want a sweet capri and then when i have done with that, i want a skyline!

an i want a shit load of other things too coz am spoilt hehehe.
i am addicted to...
animal crossing... it is great heee!
k.k.slider is my favourite heeee!

My Interests


bat man is great, i love him... a super hero with no actual powers, just sweet gadgets and a sweet suit and a sweet bat mobile annnd a sweeeeeet bat cave!

bein cheeky is good heeeee!

i really love socks... i hate feet and think they should be covered at all times when i am around, even if they're pretty feet i don't like looking at them. i'm not sure why but i really dislike them! hoorah for sockies!

(even skalectrix drift heee)!

yoshi and ryuu the kits

reh reh reh!

4 lei-lu's O_o

i am not really a dinosaur T_T

everything interests me...
so tell me stories about things
because i'll never know too much!

I'd like to meet:

tony jaa
jet li
jackie chan
steve coogan ahaaa!

or i want to meet nice people
or mc finchy
or a cat that looks like a leopard an then i want to steal it
i'd like to meet anybody who likes beer as much as me

ooo i need to meet people who will give me sweets as a prize!

i wanna meet whoever has my mobile i lost and ask them nicely not to put the videos off it on you tube!!



i like such music as...
the legacy
walk the plank
rise and fal
gorilla biscuits etc
and things like roni size
funkmaster flex
or grime/hip hop like no lay
roots manuvre
dizzee rascal task force
JME etc
and i like opera and scouse house also hehe! ^_^


some fave movies...
initial d
ninja scroll
vampire hunter d
i drop dead fred
a bitter sweet life
ONG BAK -my fav ever i district B13
jackie chan or jet li films el mariachi
v for vendetta
old boy
will ferrell films, he so funny!


for television i like...
shuriken school pucca
teen titans
xiaolin showdown
justice league
the powerpuff girls
dexters lab
samurai jack
super robot monkey team hyper force go!
dragonball z


jeremy clarkson, but only if it's read in different accents by sister kaitlin!
any graff books
fashion books
graphic novels etc etc!

initial d is taking over my life...


i'v got a hero...
an her name is "mum"
but you could call her vivien if you ever met her!

My Blog


so as it says in my profile i draw hentai when i'm bored.you probably think it's disgusting but i don't care.it's a gaffle init!   as you will see i'm not very good but i don't really care, i'm g...
Posted by .:ima rascal:.[tokyo gun crisis] on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 07:20:00 PST


is freakin' sweet!get involved, go and download/buy them all!probably be the best thing you do all week!bbyyeelei-lux...
Posted by .:ima rascal:.[tokyo gun crisis] on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 02:38:00 PST

pictures yerrrr!

so i got bored an thought... ahhh blog!so her is a blog ^_^just some piccies from my photobucket!these are some of my tattoos...i made a gauntlet out of somebodies sweat band an some forks!! this is o...
Posted by .:ima rascal:.[tokyo gun crisis] on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 06:24:00 PST

some photies like.

i thought i'd post a blog wiv some pics of stuff like coz i did. shut up...enjoy!hogg and dawson... the photo does them no justice, i shrank the pic and also them!this be angela aka the tange, me wiv ...
Posted by .:ima rascal:.[tokyo gun crisis] on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 07:12:00 PST

DOOM, sweets and 70mm ALIEN live!

yesterday was brilliant... went to watch doom with mim and grant... whiach was mega! ate millions of sweets and wanted to shoot people! then went to watch the origional 70mm alien with jen, dan, rob...
Posted by .:ima rascal:.[tokyo gun crisis] on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 04:36:00 PST