everyone....? No maybe not everyone but allot of people sounds good for me If I don't know you send me a message first or you will be ignored!
Hiphop: MF Doom, Edan, Cannibal Ox, Kool Keith,Busdriver,Big L,Pharcyde,Tribe Called Quest,De La Soul,MC Paul Barman,Justus Leaugue,Immortal Technique,Opgezwolle,Del da funky homosapien,
Madvillian,DangerDoom,Yesterdays's new Quintet,J-Zone,Leak Bros,
Outerspace,Arsonists,KRS-One,Roosevelt Franklin,Rakim,Gangstarr,Slick Rick,Mos Def,Hieroglyphics,Erick Sermon,
EL-P,Company Flow,Geto Boys,Kurtis Blow,Lords of the Underground,Organized Confusion,Prince Paul,Madlib,Quasimoto,
Lootpack,Big Daddy Kane,DJ Dangermouse,DJ Kayslay,Common,DJ Format,Anti-Pop,DJ Yoda,Kutmasta Kurt,Deltron3030,
Louis Logic,Main Source,Prince Paul,LL Cool J,People Under The Stairs,Scratchz Pickelz,
GM Grimm,Leaders of the Newschool,Black Star,Dr.Octagon,Cormega,Dilatedpeoples,Artifacts,Wildchild,C
harizma, I could go on for hours and hours..
sX,Gorilla biscuits,Restless youth,LOD,Enemy Ground,deadwater drowning, Job for a Cowboy,Despised Icon,In blood we trust,Bulldoze,Parkway Drive,August burns red,Knuckledust,Kickback,Arkangel ,ATL,Icepick,Shark Attack,Cro-mags,Kindred,Shockwave,No-Denial,Justice,Mental,K
raut.Jerry's Kids,The F.U.'s , The Freeze,True Blue,
Punkrock ,Johnny Cash allmost everything from Motown Norah Jones RHCP Bjork PJ Harvey Soulwax Jimi Hendrix
I love movies, I watch allot of Japanese and Spaghtti western flicks...mostly I watch independent flicks. Favorite directors are Kevin Smith,Akira Kurosawa,Quentin Tarantino,Miike Takashi,Kitano Takeshi,Sergio Leone....... :7 Samurai,Babycart to Hades series,The Good,the Bad and the Ugly,Once Upon a Time in the West,Once upon a time in America,Rosemary's Baby,The omen,Platoon,Full metal Jacket,Fearless Vampire Killers,Goodfellas,High Noon,The Magnificent Seven,Stagecoach,True Gritt,Yagyu Clan Conspiracy,Irreversible,La Haine,Kids,Cicade de Deus,Fargo,Gozu,Guinnea pig series,Man Bites Dog,Pulp Fiction,Reservoir Dogs,Clerks,Chasing Amy,Dead or alive series,Dirty Harry,Star Wars,Casino,Tsotsi,Garden State,The Life Aquatic,Spirited Away,Howl's moving castle,A Bronx Tale,The Godfather series,Ring (Japanese),Akira,Ghost in the Shell,Vampire Hunter D,Fist of the Northstar,Yojimbo,Spirited Away,The Excorcist,Samurai Assasin,Samurai Rebellion,Streetfighter series(the ones with Sonny Chiba)Red River,Battle Royale,Golgo 13 Kowloon Assignment(both anime and live action),The birds,The Unforgiven,The Wild bunch,Psycho,Vertigo,Lost in translation,21 Grams,Der Untergang,Silence of the lambs,The shining,House of Flying Daggers,Hero,Crouching tiger ,hidden dragon....and on and on and on :)
nope nothing much on the tellie for me
Ok I read allot of comics if ya like to read some check out these writers and artists:Brian Micheal Bendis,Garth Ennis,Warren Ellis,Grant Morrison,Brain Azzarello,Robert Kirkman,Neil Gaiman,Alan Moore,Frank Miller,Mike Mignola,Guy Davis,Brian K. Vaughan,Mike Deadato,Steve Dillon,Daniel Way,Kazuo Koike,Paul Jenkins,Kurt Busiek,Jeff Smith,Brian Wood,Eric Powell,Micheal Strazinsky,Jae Lee,Jim Lee,Humberto Ramos,Bill Waterson,Alex Maleev ,Steve Mcniven,Mark Millar,
Jeph Loeb,Tim Sale,David Lapham,Shohei Manabe,Dave GibbonsCurrently I'm reading :
100 Bullets 9DC/Vertigo) and Runaways (Marvel)
Check it out!!
That nigga's crazy!!