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I am here for Friends

About Me

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Get to Know Me

...About You...

Nickname sYa
Sex FeMaLe
Eye Color BrOwN
Hair Color BrOwN n BlACk
Favorite Color PiNk WhiTe BroWn
Screen Name sYa
Your Hometown LoOmOoT
Your Present Town LoOmOot
Your Style GlAmOur


Band GrEeN DaY

...Have You Ever...

Kissed someone in the rain yUp
Danced in a public place yUp
Smiled for no reason yUp
Laughed so hard you cried yUp
Written a song yUp
Performed on a stage yUp
Talked to someone you don't know yUp
Been in love Of CoUrSe

...Can You...

Write with both hands nOt SuRe
Blow a bubble CaN
Roll your tongue cAn,T
Cross your eyes caN
Touch your tongue to your nose cAn,T
Dance CaN
Speak a different language CaN

...Are you...

Fighter SoMeTiMe
Smoker No
Drinker No
Stalker No
Man eater No
Man hater No
Lover yUp
Heartbreaker No
In love yUp


What is your current mood? NoT sUrE
What makes you happy? My BaBe ApiT
Elaborate on your default photo
Name one thing you do a lot LoViNg ApIt
Name someone with the same b-day as you DiDa

...Finish The Line...

I LoVe My ApIt VeRY MuCh
Take this survey @!

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