About Me
an introvert, seeking forms of gaining wisdom, and accepting the blantant stupidity of the masses in our world. i vomit words in verses here and there to let my soul out, and the pain. you can call me anything, label my face, but i believe no word can describe a person fully. Because people are complex and a single statement or word can never describe something so amazingly deep and complex. so never judge before you know anyone, and truthfully you'll never completely a person, truth of life, yeah imma pretty chill person, i care heavily fer those close to me. they say a picture is worth 1000 words, but i wanna be able to use 1000 + to create one. i dont even know wat to say, im a man of few words, but many thoughts, alotta times i turn it off, becuz you cant alwayz think onna certain level or intensity, it will just drive you crzy. the way i see it, life it death and death is life, to me they are the same thing, but i wanna get to the point i dont fear death. cuz at times life is the scariest shit in the world. ill never get why peepz are ignorant, but then agen itz the ez way out/ another thing,all i can say, is eac generation gradually becomes more animal like, i mean think about it, and pretty soon all yall are gonna get a reality check in some shape or form. iunno what god has in store, but if i were him id smack every sorry ass sinning human in the face. remember this, though, you be yourself in life, cuz shit, this is your life, your mind body and soul, and dont let no one tell you what you love, like, or create your opinions, because a deep mind, is alwayz more powerful than millions of shallow ones.