General... hmmm, ok: Music, to play, listen and dance to. Going out, partying and having a good time with good friends. I love festivals, they're my ideal holiday. A few days of great music, food, people, atmosphere and late nights, and camping, Bliss. Rock climbing I like a lot, great buzz, but I don't do that very often. It's Just something that I'd like to do regularly but cant get round to. I do enjoy it though and I'd like to do it more. Love skiing too, although only been on snow once. I can actually ski quite well despite limited experience, cos I had lessons for years on dry slopes, so I am a legend on the slopes (of course). For example, me and my friend Paul did a three mile run from the top of a mountain to the bottom in four minutes. Oh Yes: FOUR MINUTES!!! admittedly the record was like 1min 30 but still, pretty speedy. Awesome!! Learn to ski, its great! water skiing is great too, but I've only done that a couple of times, I'd like to do that more as well.
Anyone who shares my dream of a world free of pro-biotic yoghurt, the tory party, the da vinci code, and russel brand (that rat-bastard doesnt deserve capital letters!) oh and Sean Connery cos hes a legend, and Donald and Keifer Sutherland cos theyr both sound! the video below has Donald Sutherland at his best...
Basically music is everything. This world would be a much darker place if we didn't have music to distract us from all the shit that gets hurled around. Also it's a totally universal language, you gotta respect that! Jazz is good, I like jazz and I play jazz piano reasonably well I think. I also love traditional music, Irish and Scottish mostly. I play at sessions sometimes and it's great fun to play if there're a few decent musicians, amazing music. I also play guitar, bass guitar (well just about), and various percussion instruments. Ever heard of a Bodhran? If you haven't then it's a kind of Irish frame drum. That's the instrument I've been playing for longest and the one I know best. Bangin! I also play accordion and Irish tenor banjo now, but am still learning those really (getting good though!) In terms of listening, Pretty much anything! Except most of the stuff that you'll get in the British mainstream like on top of the pops, most of that just gets on my tits big time, though I'll admit there are exceptions. Appart from that I'm open to just about anything. Obviously there's stuff I don't like but I'll give most tings a try. I'll always give something a listen, cos you have to keep an open mind about music, so if you've got anything you want to reccomend to me then pleease do! I'll seek it out and give it a shot! Listening to loads of Eastern European, Gypsy and Balkan music at the moment. Check out Gogol Bordello, great band, I highly reccomend them, although only if Russian/American Gypsy punk/reggae/dub/hip-hop sounds good to you. I am aware that sounds quite strange. Listening to a lot of UK Hip Hop as well right now, Braintax, Roots Manuva, Taskforce, Rodney P etc
KUNG-FU KUNG-FU KUNG-FU!!! Gimme a good martial arts movie any day! As long as it's got Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen, Chow Yun Fat, Jet Li or Bruce Lee in it then I guarantee you it will satisfy me. Japanese movies are wicked too, like Kurosawa and Beat Takeshi.
I also like anything with enough guns and explosions in it, although being of the Male gender I don't really have any choice in the matter. Another thing that my sex determines me to like is Star Wars. Well obviously. Not the new ones though! Oh no, I believe George Lucas should be made to pay for his crimes against cinema. JAR JAR BLOODY BINKS?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKIN MAN?! Oh yeah, I know: "Money, precious money. Balls to film-making! give me special effects at every turn so I don't have to bother with a decent storyline and I can rake it in from marketing crap merchandise to impressionable children who don't know any better!" Ah...feeling better now, fully in control I assure you; even though my light saber broke within the hour after I'd saved up for weeks when I was ten!!! I will find you George and I will hurt you. I will pull out all ur beard hairs slowly and individually. Joking! Or am I...? Favourite Scene - Withnail and I
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24! Surely I'm not alone in thinking that its just the greatest TV show ever created? Come on fellow 24 veterans, I wanna hear from youse all!
I'm a sucker for Sci-Fi shows as well. Stargate is the favourite, its brilliant and I wont hear a word said against it. It's got everything: laser beams, explosions, overdramatic bad-guys, and people with strange things on their heads; thats good enough for me.
Also if anyone has ever seen Firefly, then you will know that it is the greatest show in existence, and I'm sure you will agree that the americans are idiots for cancelling it. If u ain't seen it, then try to. Its very hard to get hold of but worth it, if the idea of Space Cowboys appeals to you then seak it out.
and finally Red Dwarf, its tooooo good!
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Loads of stuff, but if u want specifics: Anything by Terry Pratchett, I can read one of those in about 2 days flat. Roddy Doyle as well, hes just so good, funny and brilliant. Iain M Banks is cool too, u should check out his Sci-Fi novels, they are fucking mindblowing! Epic doesn't even begin to describe those books! I'll read most things though, always got summin on the go. I do run out quite often so would appreciate any suggestions you may have, although I would prefer not to be preached at about the genius of Dan Brown. The man is a cretin and should not be credited with the title of "Author". But that's just my opinion, and if you like him then I will not hold that against you... too much. Now there's open mindedness for you, ye gods sometimes I amaze myself with my charity *rolls eyes* lol
Jackie Chan! Come on, the man's fallen off so many things, smashed up so many things, broken so many bones and other body parts, and he could still backflip over your head and kick the wind out of u whilst wearing handcuffs (although he wouldn't unless you deserved it, he's way too nice). The man is an immortal! I say we make him our Leader! What say you? Come on, I think we need about ten thousand to form a reccognised religion, let's start it here! Seriously now! Oh yeah, Disco Stu as well. You know u agree with me, the man has got style! Obviously my close friends and family are very dear and important to me. Anyone who comes under that heading has my respect and love, and they already know that. I leave out loads of famous people cos it ain't necessary to list what everyone already knows. I am serious bout that Jackie Chan thing though, give me a shout if u agree haha!