Vagabond Dawg profile picture

Vagabond Dawg

I am here for Friends

About Me

Sorry if it took forever for this page to loadHi I'm Nick. I'm going to school at Mesa Community College so I can transfer to ASU and get my Fine Arts degree but what I really plan on doing for the rest of my life is jammin' with my band Split The Enemy. We've taken it pretty far now but I won't get into that- there's already enough shit on OUR fuckin' page. I try to keep an open mind about everything and love to just kick back and toke puffy nugs. Black metal is my favorite kind of music and the coolest place I've ever been so far is Hamburg, Germany. I don't really do myspace a lot though so hopefully you'll just see me around or some shit...
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Spillin My Guts


Take this survey

Did anyone watch you the last time you kissed someone?
When you're walking, do you stop to drink?
No. People do this?
Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you'll get it?
Not quite. I believe when you want something bad enough you have the potential to get it.
Have you ever kissed someone in a vehicle?
Ever snuck out of your house?
Yeah mostly during my sophomore high school year.
Kill or Be killed?
Yes, I'm dead, tssshh
Break someone’s heart or have your heart broken?
Just like everyone else. What a wholesome experience THAT was.
What did you do today?
Got up and went to school 'n whatnot. Same ol' shit.
Do you like someone right this second?
Would you ever get a tattoo?
Most certainly
What was the last thing you ate?
Are you a morning person or a night person?
Do you snore?
Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion?
Yeah. She's pretty cool though
What would you do if you opened up your front door to a dead body?
Gaze downward. Look puzzled for an instant, and then shovel that shit out.
Do you like to spend time with people?
Yeah, I hate it when I'm alone
Are you hungry?
Are you a forgiving person?
Somewhat. Just don't say anything about my mom whatever you do
When was the last time you did the dishes?
Last night, from the Bertolli.
Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
No, I like it that way.
Do you want a relationship right now?
SOOOO bad!!
What are you about to do?
Smoke some pot! :D
Have you ever thought someone died, when they really didn't?
No but that would be awesome to play that joke on everyone though.
If you could be a superhero what would you want to do?
Abolish Christianity
Your name plus "ness"?
It rhymes with sickness. Mwahaha
Three feelings at the moment?
Relief, Regret, Confusion
Done anything you regret so far in life?
Uhh yes as you can see above, genius.
Are you listening to anything?
I am now that you reminded me that I should be.
Where are you right now?
My parent's house. I have to come here to log on 'cause I don't have a computer.
What are you scared of?
Lacking purpose and dying alone.
Last movie you watched?
Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze haha it was so goofy.
Last song you sang out loud?
Lovesick For Mina by Cradle Of Filth.
Are you thinking of someone right now?
Yes. She's been in my head for a while now.
Who is the last person you talked to on the phone?
My stepmom when she was on her break at work.
Last thing you downloaded on your computer?
The Zietgiest clip you see above.
Have you changed much this year?
Yes I've gone through quite a dynamic transformation.
Where was the last place you went besides where you are?
Work last night.
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
James Franco which I think is bullshit.
Do you speak any other language?
Do you dress for style or comfort?
A hybrid of the two.
Ever had a drunken night in Mexico?
Unfortunatly not
What's the craziest thing you've done?
A double back-flip off of a trampoline to the ground.
Favorite color(s)?
Black, Neon Green, Blood Red.
What is your favorite Nickelback song?
Not familiar with much of their shit.
What are you looking forward to this summer?
Playin' shows and wreakin' havoc.
Last time you smiled?
As I wrote the previous line.
If you could choose any fate what would you choose?
In memorable and gloriously flaming descent.
If you could have anything in the world, what would you want?
My name to last forever and my love to be secured.

MySpace Surveys

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

... preferably, are characters who I would enjoy conversing with

My Blog

The Best Metal Vocalists Ever!

Phil Anselmo of Pantera Christian Alvestam of Scar Symmetry Alex Varkatzas of Atreyu Dani Filth of Cradle Of Filth Randy Blythe of Lamb Of God M. Shadows of Avenged Sevenfold Mark Hunter of Chimaira &...
Posted by on Thu, 20 Nov 2008 12:06:00 GMT

Lets try some E.V.P.

Some of you may know I am part of a metal band called Split The Enemy. As a musician I must say that it's starting to get harder and harder to discover new things to write in-...
Posted by on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 13:57:00 GMT


People always wonder if I'm trying to make myself out to be an evil kid with the spinning pentagrams and tripped out default pics and whatnot. Here and there throughout  my life, some h...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 15:22:00 GMT