Obelisk represents the god of destruction. Ishizu Ishtar saved this card from being taken by the Ghouls and gave it to Seto Kaiba so that he would start the Battle City Tournament. Kaiba later lost Obelisk to Yami in the Semi-Finals of the Battle City Tournament.
When Maximillion Pegasus decided to make the game of Duel Monsters he found a stone tablet with 3 extordinary beasts. Slifer the Sky Dragon, Obelisk the Tormentor, and The Winged Dragon of Ra. He decided to make these "God Cards" into his game. He would later regret that though. So, he had Ishizu Ishtar bury the God Cards in different locations within The Valley of the Kings. Yami must get all 3 of the Egyptian God Cards inorder to get back his lost memories as Pharaoh Atem in Egypt.
All 3 of the Egyptian God Cards need 3 sacrafices in order to be summoned to the field. Their ATK/DEF cannot be changed from an effect of any card. Whenever an Egyptian God Card is special summoned from the graveyard it is returned there during the end phase that it was brought back to the field.