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Friends R Forever!!! and Some Guys Just SUCK!!

About Me

Create Your Own!What's Up? My name is Laura, I'm 23 and live in Garfield.. I always up for a Party and having some fun.. Good or Bad Fun... lol I have the greatest Friends ever.. Love my Family.. - My best friend/ Cousin Kristen - My best friend Ana - Andrea - Justin Dob - Keith Dob - Joe - Rachel - Chris - Jenn Z - Charles - Tracey - Keith Z - Brian - Alex - Andy - Vicky - Erika - Robyn - Jimmy - Dana - Mike S - Robin and etc... love you all..Love going to Bars and hanging out having a great time.. I try to make the best of everything now a days... *Never let someone try and run your life and tell you what to do.. Do what you want to do for yourself.. Live life the best way you can and make the ultimate best of it..* Love goin to Fire Dept Functions.. Love my Garfield, Elmwood Park and my Saddle Brook Fellas.. I only look sweet and Innocent... hahaha.. :) Want to kno anything else... message me..* My cousin, my Sista, but most of all.. My Best Friend!!! There are a lot of people that mean sooo much to mean in this world, but there are 3 that are extremely special to me.. My father who is an amazing man, that influences me everyday.. Love you Dad! I am soo proud of my brother Rob and what he has done with his life.. Im glad god made him of all things my brother.. What would I do without you Bro.. Your still an Ass Monkey! LOL.. Love ya man.. Last but not least, someone who has had such an impact on my life thru many ways is Amelia.. Without her, I sole heartedly don't know where I would or be today if it wasn't for her always being there for me when I needed her.. Thanks if never enough.. I would give her my life if I had too.. Love you guys..

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**To my cousin Kristen.. You're my girl and no matter what is going down you are always there for me.. Even if we weren't cousin's, you would be my bestest friend for life.. Getting crunked with you at bars is always good times or even goin shoppin.. You the sister that I always wanted and never gotten to have.. You're the best friend I could ever ask for.. We gotta get drunk again sometime.. LOL.. Maybe in Maryland.. Hahahaha.. Must love girl.. * IT'S YOUR LOSS NOT MINE PACO!*So just live, make mistakes and have wonderful times...but never ever second guess who you are where you have been and most importantly where it is that you are going* True words from my Cousin Kristen.. So True Girl!! xoxo

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Dedicated to Someone (Richard A. Delahanty -- "Mr. Dick" R.I.P 03/27/06)who has touched my life in so many ways..**Monday, was such a sad day when I found out that I would never see you handsome loving self ever again.. Knowing that you had left so peacefully made your passing a little bit easier. I know that you went through a great ordeal with being as sick as you where, but now you can rest peacefully with no one pain.. That Saturday, I just had to see you one last time just to say GoodBye and that I Love You one last time. Growing up with you and your family has meant a lot to me and my family.. You have touched my life in so many ways more than just once. You where always there to sneak up on me during lunch period back in High School.. Always made me laugh and made me cry too when you where being sentimental about things.. Jerk. lol.. There is a promise that I am making right now to you because this was your wish. Your wish was, To dance with me at my Wedding and that you will.. When I decide to get married, there will be our song and it's where i will stand out in the middle of the dance floor and dance with you and your spirit OUR dance.. I will miss you a GREAT deal.. I know and feel that you are watching over me and with set me in the right direction because you always wanted to best for me.. I always thought of you as my Grandpa because I never got to meet one of my grandfathers. I love you will all my heart and never forget that ever.. Until we meet again.. Lend me your cheek, *kiss kiss* 3 forever and always......




My Grandpa.... My Dad.... Amelia.... My Brother Rob.... Mr. Dick....

My Blog

GFD Co. 4's Xmas Party 12-17-05

Last night was Crazy!!  Anybody care for another "Scooby Snack"? Right Ana!!  lol.. Dancing was sooo much fun with Ana, Veronica, Steph, Michelle, Merc, Merc's Wife, Manny, Julie, Capt Don, ...
Posted by * Laura * on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 11:41:00 PST

The most important woman in my life *Amelia*

There is one special person in my life that has been there through the happiest times and the worst times in my life.. I knew I could always count on her whenever I needed her.  I never really ha...
Posted by * Laura * on Sat, 03 Dec 2005 11:35:00 PST