Getting a sex change... lol
I was saying to Isa
that we could get sex changes
and become gay guys...
and be gay best friends...
And go to gay bars...
And get some gay guys...
and have gay sex with them...
But she laughed
and said no.
So no.
The Evil Dress :P
Me, Shona and Amanda :D !! LUV U GUYS!
The Trio: Me, Sam, Ellie.. WE ROCK!
AAAWZ!! Ellie is the sex!! ily hun xo.
Basically me, inside out. Love it or hate it, your choice.
Classic rock,
Emo rock,
Old school rock,
Heavy rock,
Gothic rock..
all that sorta stuff.
Rap sucks..
well... cept CYPRESS HILL
they fucking own. 3
V for Vendetta
The Illusionist
City of Gloom
Teen Titans (yes i know.. im a freak)
... mostly the comedy channel
or channel [V] :)
To be honnest,
ther all pretty boring.
My heroes are my close friends.
I really love you all so much...
♥ ♥ ♥
"You don't want to hurt me,
But see how deep the bullet lies.
Unaware that I'm tearing you asunder.
There is thunder in our hearts, baby.
So much hate for the ones we love?
Tell me, we both matter, don't we?