You must be high.
"All religion is simply evolved out of fraud,
fear, greed, imagination, and poetry"
- Edgar Allan Poe.
Hello love,
I'm Rayneleigh.
I hate people.
Although, I love meeting new people
as long as they're honest...
and not complete douchebaggs.
I'm bi, and taken.
I have a love/hate relationship with myself.
I'm really open minded.
I'm pretttty nice....If I like you.
My mind is very difficult to understand.
Go ahead and add me, I'll accept you.
I love to talk/txt/aim/etc.
Get my info, let's have a chat[:
I like pain, blood, and zombies...
Like most teenagers these days.
I also like art and music...
Again, just like most teenagers these days.
I hate politics.
I'm vegetarian, don't judge me.
Click on these...
You can also find me on
Thank you.