Someone who has the same thumb as me.
^thats my husband. allie and i have a fan club.^
I Love Music
i love all movies except some horror because i'm a thumbsucking baby and i still have a nightlight when i sleep. oh yeah and i LOVE the marx brothers and the three stooges.. and mel brooks
I don't watch television. I use it only to play video games.
i love books. i can't name them all. give me a book and i will read it. but i will never lend out books to people ever again because i can't trust them.
_My Orthodontist
_My Wife, Angelina Jolie
_Gwen Stefani
_The Beatles
_Thank You Cool Whip
_The 2003 National Champion Mealy
_Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams
_I am Tinkerbell.
_Mr. Disney
_The Classiest Lady Ever
_Lily Allen
_Miss Aguilera
_Jael. The Definition of a Real Woman.