~~Dawn~~ profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

Myspace Backgrounds

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Dolphins Under water--live! - Image Hosting

My Interests

I love.... family, kids, the beach , naps, lake, camping, italian restaurants, storms, spring, kings island, halloween, swimming, animals, BIG trucks, writing, disney world, friends, clean house, making people happy, a good cry, comedy clubs, weddings, being so tired that going to sleep feels so good;), fireplace on a snowy and cold night, hot bubble bath with a cold beer, listening to the radio, lazy days (don't know when I have one of thoughs lately though), sound of my kids laughing, watching our family home videos, suprising my kids, SHOPPING!, smell of my vehicle when we leave Sparkle car wash, chili, memories of my brother, fresh flowers, my wedding ring, pictures, candles, exotic animals, accomplishments, drive-ins, hotels, the feeling after all laundry is done, looking at (dreaming of) model homes, (not so hot) summer days, county fairs, planning a vacation, tetris, Cadillac Escalades... most of all i love being a MOM to my kids !!!!!


All kinds


Movies are great!!!!


Extreme home makeover, E.R., Desperate Housewifes, Brothers and sisters, What about Earl, The Office, Americas funnies videos, Animal Planet, ect...


biographies and true life stories... deep end of the ocean is a heart felt true storie that i will never forget.


my grandpa, my husband, my dad, and GOD!