I'm finding my place in the world.I thought that being gay defined me, but it does not. There is more to me than that,and I hope the people will see that-that guys will see that there is more to a man than just his body, or being a top, bottom,or versatile. There..s a heart in all of us. One that does not want to be broken. There..s nothing more special than being with someone who loves you, and you, loving that person in return. Some Gay folk,through their actions, try to prove that their is no longevity in this lifestyle.I used to believe that. But I don..t now. There is someone out there that can love you with all his heart, but you have to be ready for him. I believe that some guys are scared that they will be fall in love and be loved, and therefore, decide to be shady, and cheat, etc.....