ping pong, tennis, basketball, popping my collar, squash, rugby, crew, racquetball, not failing, reading, watching television, bridge, witty humor, puns, and things that bounce
Malcolm X
Andruw Jones
Genghis Khan
Three 6 mafia, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Sting and the Police, P-diddy, Brand New, Aaron Copeland, Carl Orff, Beethoven, Afro Man, Eric Clapton, Green Day, Gin Blossoms, AC/DC, Beastie Boys, The Beatles, R.E.M.
Shawshank Redemption, Rudy, Goodfellas, Crash, and Tommy Boy
The Sheild, Sportscenter, Law and Order
Catcher in the Rye, A Farewell to Arms, The Book of Revelation, Slaughterhouse-5, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Death of a Salesman, The Pit and the Pendulum, The Great Gatsby, Prey
Pete Rose