scooter santiago profile picture

scooter santiago

yo just static shocked my pum-pum...

About Me

Hater extrodinaire

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

hip-hoppers, writers, readers, photographers, DJs, lovers, and of course the haters


strictly underground hip-hop...and other stuff


I watch way too much tv, but you're likely to get cussed out if I'm interrupted during: Arrested Development, Coronation Street, CSI (hate the Miami one), Curb Your Enthusiasm, Greys Anatomy, Law and Order, Lost, Prison Break (Wentworth Miller - ooooohh)


I got a lot a books yo

My Blog

this is hot

  gotta find this place...
Posted by scooter santiago on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 07:50:00 PST

its just like a car wreck yo!

About 2yrs ago I sent out an email blast to some of my friends after I came across a webcam video...the next day I got's why, just check out the first 2mins of this shit!  ...
Posted by scooter santiago on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 07:40:00 PST

Masturepiece Theatre pt.ii

Back again with a short movie review. One Night in Paris You've probably seen it, but you haven't heard my opinion&this is the wackest shit ever.  First of all Paris suffers from noassatall syndr...
Posted by scooter santiago on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 04:47:00 PST

I hate my job - the saga continues&

Its getting to the point where I just want to stand on top of my desk and start screaming, just to see if I'll be sent home for some mandatory leave of absence.  Some of the fuckers I work with a...
Posted by scooter santiago on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 04:03:00 PST

mi momma!

I was a roots girl for a hot minute back in the day. I've heard of this Lady Shabba for many years but have never seen what she looked like. For a while I thought she was an urban myth, like if you go...
Posted by scooter santiago on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 05:34:00 PST

Real life girl 6?

Got a call from a customer today from the UK. Sounded like a nice old chap and all but he was on some get off over the phone shit. I'm all for it...with someone I know. This one had me cracking up th...
Posted by scooter santiago on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 06:21:00 PST

Masturepiece Theatre

No "Masturepiece" is not a typo. So last night while haging out downtown, a friend and I passed by a 24hr porno shop.  She told me that she never seen a porno before - that ain't normal yo.&...
Posted by scooter santiago on Fri, 29 Sep 2006 05:54:00 PST

I love youtube!

Seen many times but always gets the giggles. I come in the name of Jesus...repeat it after me BITCH!   HAHAHAHAHA!!! guy, I have way too much fun wasting time at work. youtube I love you!...
Posted by scooter santiago on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:32:00 PST

lawd have mercy

Damn Jehovah Witnesses!  Made a slight mistake and answered a "nice day we're having..." size-up while I was yanking some weeds out of my lawn.  Fuckers come to my house like every week or l...
Posted by scooter santiago on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 01:14:00 PST

I hate my job

My job is the absolute pits, even though my duties are a breeze (I'm an administrator so I have nuff time to waste - the hot part is I keep on a mad screw face so the powers that be think I'm hard at ...
Posted by scooter santiago on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 05:25:00 PST