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"After dark all cats are leopards." -Native American Tribe (Zuni)

About Me

Hmmm... It's always the toughest to write about yourself. I always hated this topic in school. Currently I work for the USAF. I am a mental health technician. I wanted to see what it would be like in the Psychology field for some future job interests I once had. Now, I'm leaning more towards working with animals. Although I'm still uncertain as to what I would like to do with animals, I at least know I want to help them. My husband Wes and I have already rescued a few animals. Right now I live in Knob Noster Missouri. It's not the worst place to be in this world, but it's nothing compared to a lot of places I've traveled to. My home of preference is Oregon. I love the weather, the people, pretty much everything, and most of all the beaches. I don't like being land locked like I am and most of the time feel as if it's going to drive me ~NUTS~!

My Interests

I love video games. My favorite game atm is World of Warcraft or WoW for short. I love Nintendo and can not wait for the Wii system to come out. My husband and I met each other on an on-line game called Mech Warrior 3. I love to read, draw when I get the taste for it, go on road trips, and spend time with friends or family.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet more than anything my best friend / Sister Crystal. I've known her for around 4 years from playing on-line and have never met her before. This person has forever changed my life for the better and still continues to do so. She's smart and witty and just down right fun as hell to be around. She's the type of person that looks out for you and will take time out of her day to help you in anyway she can. If you don't have a friend like this, well I'm sorry, but you can't have her! =) I would like to meet Robert Jordan. He is the author of the books, "The Wheel of Time." He lives in Charleston South Carolina which is very close to where my father lives. -=crosses fingers=- So, here's to hoping. I would also like to meet Jackie Chan or Jet Li because they are kung fu fighting studs. If I met Nobuo Uematsu, I'd probably die because it would be in concert playing my favorite music from when I was a child till now.

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Korn, Disturbed, Slip Knot, Static-X, Chevelle, Seven Dust, Sublime, Linkin Park, Godsmack, Marilyn Manson, Stained, System of a Down (there older stuff), Rob Zombie, Nine Inch Nails (Fragile is Wes and I's "song"), Matrix Reloaded Sound track (fav song on there is Furious Angles), Weird Al Yankovic, Fionna Apple (love her!), Enigma, No Doubt, Darryl Worley, Ciara, Black Eyed Peas, The Last Samurai soundtrack, anything Nobuo Uematsu (my all time fav song is Aeris Theme), John Williams is another great composer, Phil Collins, Pure Moods, Creed (some old stuff), Cake, some Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus, Nat "King" Cole, Drowning Pool, Tori Amos, Enya, Alannah Myles, Hayao Miyazaki films soundtracks, some Stone Sour, Seal, Everlast, Johnny Cash... Basically I love a lot of music. I go through a wide variety and range of different music styles. I do like R&B and rap too. I can sing the songs out to you, but I have a hard time trying to remember names of people and bands. I love old music and even a little techno. I like girly and heavy. There are times to where I just love the sound of music where no one sings.


My favorite movie of all time is "Princess Mononoke" by Hayao Miyazaki. Some favs: Hitch, Monty Python's Quest for the Holy Grail, Twister (I love weather!!), Flight of the Navigator, The Last Unicorn, Wizard of Oz (first movie I cried to), Pulp Fiction, Legend of Drunken Master, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Hero, The Last Samurai, Da Vinci Code; movies with Robert Di Nero, Winona Ryder, Denzel Washington, Angelina Jolie, Keira Knightley, Robert Williams, Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts, Will Smith, any movie of M. Night Shyamalan, Mel Gibson, Joaquin Pheonix, Reese Witherspoon, Jim Carrey, Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Uma Thurman, Lucy Liu, Ziyi Zhang and so many others... I love to watch movies and to go out to the movies. I'm a big fan of Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings. I love romantic comedies and non stop action! I even like the movies that make you think and leave you wondering.


24 with Keifer Sutherland is my favorite! When I was growing up I really enjoyed Dragon Ball, and Dragon Ball Z. I still have some action figures and pictures. I like Rescue Me. Family Guy!! With games and reading I don't currently have T.V. But, what I've seen of Naruto and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, I wish I could watch more. I'm not a big fan of reality shows. I love What Not to Wear and Home Decor shows. I like cartoons. Again, there is a lot I really like.


"The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan. "The Gunslinger" series by Stephen King. "The Runelords" by David Farland. "The Sevenwaters" trilogy by Juliet Marillier. Shonen Jump magazines. Poetry (I even write some when I feel like it), Books on Paganism. There is so much I would love to read.


I have heroes over the history like Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi also known as Mahatma. I have kung fu heroes like Jackie Chan and Jet Li. Or, my hero Robert Jordan and JR Tolkien for making fantasy what it is. More importantly my friends and family (including the animals). They are my heroes because they are all awesome people to me. They have the ability to make me laugh, cry, and even get royally pissed off, but in the end I can still say that I love and cherish each and every one of them.

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What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
Empathy- Your inner power is Empathy! This means that you have a talent for identifying others emotions, often by simply glancing at them. You are EXTREMELY shy and quiet. People sometimes dont notice youre around and seem surprised to find out you even exist in a big class. Youre the often silent, goody two shoes, and few get passed the walls youve built up to stop yourself being hurt, as you no doubt have been in the past. Not everyone understands you, in fact some think that youre a snob or worse because you rarely participate in group activities. Youre extremely sensitive, even the least harsh of words can hurt you. Only your very few, closest friends who have earned your hard-to-get trust know who you really are inside; a sweet, gentle young woman who is lonely and so desperately needing friends to support you. You can get very depressed and not always know why, despite your power of empathy, as it seems to only work for people outside you. Your friends always turn to you when they need advice or comforting, and in some way you need to give that helpit makes you feel better in return to know that youve helped out your friends. Despite your cold, impassive exterior and high, seemingly unbreachable walls, inside you are really a great, intelligent person, full of compassion and love, if only people would dare take a chance and try to get through your tough shell. Never let others get you down, or change you. You are very special the way you areeven if you dont have fifty thousand friends, you are just as, if not more extraordinary than everyone else. Reach for the stars, because I dont doubt youll catch hold of them. Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: A sweet, shy and romantic man/woman. The kind of guy/woman you know will never, ever hurt you, and will love you for ever. The kind of person who believes in true love, and soul mates. Your stone: Blue Topaz Your power: Healing. Emotionally, physically, or spiritually, you heal people with your words, your actions and presence. Youre the one that the little children are always drawn to, because they know youll never let anything hurt them. Your element: Clairvoyance (The power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the normal five senses.) A quote that applies to you: "True beauty shines from the soul and warms the world with its kindness, compassion , and integrity."
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