About Me
im pretty sure myspace is the worst thing about the internet...
i wake up every day on the wrong side of the bed. i like high-end audio, analogue audio, music, sound, (see a trend?), horror movies, Neil Gaiman, Joe Linsner, im vegetarian, i HATE the south... and the midwest... .... no tolerance for bullshit, only pretend to put up with what i consider stupidity and apathy. i loathe arrogance, narcissism, name-droppers, starfuckers, wannabes, social cliques, groupies, false modesty, racism, homophobia, culture of any kind (i think so-called "culture" is a practice in collective boredom and mass assimilation/emulation. "but dude, dont you understand how long people have been practicing this art/ritual/tradition?" no, and i dont care either), and people that claim to be misanthropes just cause they have no friends and cant get laid. i spend an entirely ridiculous amount of time listening to music and reading. i also love herbal tea. im at a really fucked up point in my life right now, some of my friends may know more or less about the details on that. if i'm not getting back to your messages it's not cause i'm ignoring you or mad at you, its just that my priorities are narrowing. i'm very bored with worthless advice from friends, and for the love of god dont ever tell me you know how i feel. im trying to find an order to my world, trying to find piece of mind, trying to find peace in my mind. im pretty reclusive these days as there is only one person i really care to see or talk to. once in a while i'll go out with some mates to shoot pool.
please dont put stupid shit in my comments. no video clips, sound slips, or naked fat guys. no pictures of dead people, no pictures of fat people having sex, no pictures of naked old people... i wouldnt have to write this if you weirdos would use more discretion. come on. dont make me put my comments on approval basis.