I'm Olivia
I'm 19
I drive a peugeot 106 but its a bit battered now! i spend a considerable ammount of time up the layby or as me and drabble-jones call it the gayby!
i have just started a job at HSBC i love it even when its boring a slow got some wikid ppl there who make it a laugh!!!
i live in leamington sum says its boring but i think its ravin lol
Some of my friends say im old school but that's just good taste!
Most weekends you'll find me in Rios for a bit of "*Rios Magic*" sumtimes ill venture evolve way or im just with my exceedingly cool mates!
I love tuesdays at Sugar (refuse to call it "Smack" out of principle)
I am defiantly missing all my mates now they have gone off to uni and left me bored at home but there are still some wicked people left at home who make it worth while
I hope to go travelling at some point. I want to see the world while im still young