Well, I am Walter Ware and do indeed love the nightlife. I also love theatre and the quad squad. I am a person who loves to befriend many people and do have a very interesting personality. I have always been interested in politics and do indeed intend on living in Washington DC for some time. I currently attend the Benjamin T Rome . School of Music at Catholic University of America. It is absolutely delightful!! I am a Musical Theatre major and I am studying my passion which I could not ask for more. Thank god for the District of Columbia. I have so many good friends and I would like to say hello to all of them right now and tell each and everyone of them thank you for keeping me sane and thank you for being you. I also love my family and cannot tell you how much I love my nephew Jeremy Jr. He is the coolest kid you will meet and far surpasses any young children that anyone else could either conceive or adopt. He is just as cool as my godson Jacob and my nephew Caleb and niece Kaden. Sorry but that is how I truly feel. I have got to boogey. It was a pleasure typing thank you and again i love the nightlife.
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