I'm competitive in just about anything. Whether its sports, vgs, model designing. I consider it a personal high lol. Its just the experience you get from going head to head against somebody else to anticipate them, and challenge their ideas that gets me thrived up. Live and learn i guess. I am a sore loser but needless to say i never lose! When i'm with my friends I generally goof off, just chill. On my off-time I just read, love readin' any kind of book, novel, just to take my mind off reality and dive into somthing else that twists the imagination. I've taken up a hobby to write for websites makin' up fictional writings, it expands alot on the imagination level and creativity but thats my way of killing time. Still a long way from publishing my own book hehe...(gotta get ovr dam speling & grammer mistakes!) Im serious about my school, since this is the only chance I can take to prove that I'm better than who I appear to be, but im not a total bookworm just dont chat with me during class otherwise i'll freak out and start chucking books and pencils at you, jk.
Anyone who's real
Anything and everything, i'm a fan of it all, with the unholy exception of country, polka and tex mex. If it all sounds good and has a good beat I'll be into it, not a fad follower to something thats popular when in reality it sucks. I go wherever the real music is at.
I really don't get time to watch anything during the day or afternoon, but i catch all the stuff that comes on at night. Chappelle's show, Daily show, Reno 911, and for some strange reason im addicted to watching that ghost hunter show that comes on Sci-fi. THAT $HIT'S CRAZY!!
I've read em' all..and I've forgotten the name's of em' all with the exception of the good one's like Catcher in the Rye, Salem's Lot, Gunslinger, Midnight in the garden of good and evil, Lone Drow, & One flew over the Cuckoo's nest. Just a cool selection of books I kill time with. Nice way to escape reality.
My Grandfather, for bringing our family where it is now and giving me the strength and determination to better my life.
My Great-Grandfather for teaching me how to better myself and to respect the people around me who deserve to be respected. And for being with me through his life. These are my two heroes and inpirations, and its through them that I'm able to live out my life the way I should.Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
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