...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... profile picture

...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now...

I Love Him, I Would Do Anything For Him, I Would Even Die For Him...He Knows This...That's Why I Am

About Me

AOL Instant Messenger: SRockerDimP66613

Yahoo! Instant Messenger: dimperspective13

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is... erotic
Your hugs are... friendly
Your eyes... sparkle like the stars
Your touch is... awakening my heart
Your smell is... exotic
Your smile is... amazing
Your love is... eternal
I NO LONGER add random people nor do I "whore" people/or am "whored". So, if you wanna be added, here is what you should know before clickin' that "Add" button...
¤ DON'T fuckin' add me if you only want more friends just 'cause you're currently participatin' in a popularity contest.
¤ If you're not from the same state as me 'n I dunno you, don't bother addin' me. I'm not interested in associatin' with people I, more then likely, will never meet.
¤ STOP fuckin' askin' me for my screen names that are already IN my profile. If you read my shit in the FIRST place, you wouldn't hafta ask, correct? Correct. If you wanna add me to your messenger, do so, I don't mind, but lemme know who you are when you do decide to IM me.
¤ I DON'T do cyberin', so PLEASE do not ask. Sorry, text don't turn me on, ah-ha, ha, ha, ha. I prefer the real thing, =D.
¤ Please, I can't stress this enough, if you don't plan on, like, EVER talkin' to me or notten, please, don't add me 'n please, if you're just lookin' for a fuckin' hook-up, your search isn't over...you haven't found it here, no, I will NOT fuck you, sorry, not interested.
¤ Thanks for readin'! =).
Random Shit 'Bout-
† 'Sup? Not much to tell...I'm just...me...a lil' bit of this, 'n a lil' bit of that...every day, I'm a new person 'cause my personality is constantly changin' 'n I'm always findin' ways to improve myself †
† Name's ASHLEY (not "ASH", BTW), if you haven't figured that out already †
† Born Sunday, February 09th, 1986 †
♥ I am in love...that right there should be self-explanatory...if not, that's my polite way of sayin' FUCK OFF
† I am a Williamstown Middle/High School graduate...not all that thrillin', I know †
† I'm a co-singer/lyricist 'n I guess you can say I'm in a metal band since there are now two 'n a half of us, ha, ha. There's still a lil' dispute with the name of the band...I'm goin' in one direction 'n the other two are just not seein' things from my point of view...yet, =) †
† My goal in life is to become a successful Rock Star †
† Music is number one in my life, never make me choose between you 'n my music 'cause I'll quickly show you the door †
† The love of my life 'n man of my dreams is number one 'n a half †
† I wanna be a professional Portraiture Photographer on the side †
† I also wanna be a Suicide Girl on the side (FUCK PLAYBOY!!!) †
† I have eleven piercin's (gettin' more)...both ear lobes are triple pierced, both helixes are double pierced (cartilage, for those of you that dunno what your helixes are), 'n my tongue is pierced †
† I'm all natural, the only thing on me that's fake is the color of my hair (which, for those of you that didn't know, I'm a natural red-head...yup, light auburn) †
† I'm way into the gothic look. I dress in all black (black's my favorite color anyway), but, please, don't label me "goth" 'cause really, I'm not, that's just the look I'm into. I don't do labels †
† I have two cats, Cooper (boy) 'n Gizmo (girl) †
† I have many nicknames but the three that are used the most are: "Marilyn Manson", "Trinket", 'n "Psyko Bitch" †
† Here are just a FEW words you could use to describe me:
† Compassionate †
† Moralistic †
† Determined †
† Recusant †
† Loyal †
† Honest †
† Observant †
† Well-mannered †
† Trustworthy †
† Durable †
† Opinionated †
† Explicit †
† Considerate †
† Quiet (for the most part) †
† Ticklish EVERYWHERE (I hate it) †
† Sarcastically humorous †
† Intellectually unique †
† Easily amused †
† Shy (at first) †
† A Juggalette †
† A woman of my word †
† A great listener †
† An animal lover (more of a cat person) †
† A WOMAN, notta girl, therefore, I prefer men instead of boys. REAL men, not lil' boys that think they are real men just 'cause they are legally of age †
† A semi-fast learner †
† I talk with my hands (call it a bad habit, if you will) †
† I think, react, 'n handle things differently from most people †
† Etc. †

My Interests

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I have MANY likes/interests. Some things you would expect from me, other things you wouldn't. Here is just SOME of my interests. Although this may seem long, I assure you, it doesn't end here. Everyday I'm findin' new things that I like...
* Interests * * Indoor rock climbin' (even though I'm afraid of heights). * Skydivin'. * Travelin' 'round the world. * World domination, ha, ha.
† Likes † † ALMOST anything to have come outta the eighties. † Art. † Astrology. † Bondage tape. † Clerical work (seventy-four WPM now). † Clothes. † Collectin' anything from the eighties that might be worth money some day. † Collectin' board games. † Collectin' Care Bears. † Collectin' Treasure Trolls. † Diamonds. † Dirt bikes. † Doin' donuts in parkin' lots (especially on a sheet of ice), † eBAUMSWorld.com † Fightin'. † Goin' on walks. † Graffiti. † Hecate. † Hot Topic. † JNCO. † Joecartoon.com † Laughin' makin' others laugh. † Learnin' different languages (except Latin...never again). † Literature. † Monkeys. † Mountain Dew. † Nike. † Old school video games. † Paintballin'. † Philosophy. † Pink Velvet (that's vodka/cranberry juice). † Poetry. † Portraiture Photography. † Profanity. † Quiltin'. † Rain. † Rhinestones. † Roses (red for Valentine's Day, white for weddin's. black any other time). † Sewin'. † Shoes. † Skeletons/skulls. † Snowmobilin'. † Snowshoein'. † Spencer Gifts. † Sterlin' silver. † Street hockey. † Stickdeath.com. † St. Valentine's Day. † The "Chicken Dance". † Trucks (I'm a Ford person). † Victoria's Secret. † Violence. † Weapons. † Wish Bear. † WWE (Hogan/Undertaker are my favorites). † Workin'-out (tonin'/trimmin', liftin' weights, etc.).
♥ Loves ♥ ♥ Angels (of all kinds). ♥ Anything related to magick/after-life/ghosts/etc. ♥ Astronomy. ♥ Attendin' the B.C.H.S.'s. ♥ Cats (especially Cooper 'n Gizmo). ♥ Cemeteries. ♥ Chains. ♥ Combat boots. ♥ Games that require you to use your brain. ♥ Halloween. ♥ Handcuffs. ♥ Hangin'-out with/talkin' to my friends/boyfriend. ♥ Leather. ♥ Little Ceasar's Pizza (actually, pizza in general). ♥ Lookin' at the night sky. ♥ "Mar-a-WANNA", =D. ♥ Marilyn Manson. ♥ Mike's Hard Lemonade ('n other flavors). ♥ Monster trucks. ♥ Mortal Kombat. ♥ Motorcycles. ♥ Music (of course). ♥ My "Army" Jacket. ♥ My family/friends. ♥ My pot-leaf necklace that Brie gave me before she moved away =(. ♥ My silver-ball necklace. ♥ My stuffed Roger Rabbit. ♥ Mythology (mainly Greek). ♥ Partyin' (yeah, that's right, love to get fucked-up...one of 'em hardcore partiers). ♥ Piercin's. ♥ Platinum. ♥ Sex. ♥ Simon (the memory game). ♥ Spongebob. ♥ Takin' pictures with my friends/boyfriend. ♥ Tats. ♥ Tetris. ♥ The Grim Reaper (Death is my homeboy, ha, ha). ♥ Workin' towards my career as a Rock Star by practicin' my singin'/writin' songs. Anything else you'd like to know (as if I didn't just cover everything, right? Ha, ha), ask away.

As if I didn't just get done with all the shit I like, there are DEFF. things I hate (I'm usin' the word "hate" here to describe how I feel)...
¤ Hates ¤ ¤ Anime' 'n basically any other gay ass shit to fuckin' come outta China 'n Japan. ¤ Baby pink...I can just BARELY tolerate bubblegum/hot pink. ¤ Backstabbers. ¤ Bein' called "Ash". ¤ Bein' interrupted. ¤ Bein' talked down to like I'm a fuckin' child (or in general). ¤ Boy bands ESPECIALLY Blink 182. ¤ Cheatin'. ¤ Coffee. ¤ Coke' Cola. ¤ Dial-up. ¤ Dodge ball. ¤ Drama. ¤ Eminem...I like some of his music, but, him as a person, I can't stand. ¤ Fake jewlery. ¤ Gender roles. ¤ Ignorance. ¤ IM-language (like "Lol...but, I use it anyway 'cause I'm too lazy to type "ha, ha" over 'n over). ¤ Insects 'n that's the ONLY reason I hate the outdoors. ¤ Jocks. ¤ "Know-it-Alls". ¤ Labels. ¤ Liars. ¤ Loud chewers. ¤ My name bein' spelt wrong (first, middle, 'n last). ¤ Obnoxiousness. ¤ Paris Hilton. ¤ People that break promises. ¤ People that are conceited 'n judgmental. ¤ People that don't mind their own business/take responsibility for their own actions. ¤ People that get knocked-up before reachin' the age of majority. ¤ People that leave their holiday decorations up AFTER the holidays (especially Christmas). ¤ People that say "da bomb"/"phat"/"N"-word. ¤ People that talk to 'emselves in third person or to 'emselves. ¤ People that think they know me but have only begun to scratch the surface. ¤ Playboy. ¤ Politics. ¤ Poor grammar. ¤ Pop-ups. ¤ Posers. ¤ Preps. ¤ Rednecks. ¤ "Runna-mouths". ¤ Science. ¤ Sloppy seconds. ¤ South Pole. ¤ Stealin' (unless it's road signs... that's just different, ha, ha). ¤ Stuck-ups. ¤ Teletubbies. ¤ "The Final Countdown"~Europe. ¤ "The Wiggles". ¤ Volleyball. ¤ Whores (or "non-profit prostitutes"). ¤ Wiggers. ¤ WAL-MART ¤ Yellow gold (so fuckin' tacky... makes me sick).

Bondage Bear.

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Take the quiz:
which demon of the deadly sins are you? (great pics)

Satan - anger
whoa! what a hot head when you loose it you blow it big time dont you! your demon is satan ruler of the underworld and all the demons in it!

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Take the quiz:
You're an Angel of.....

You're an Angel of Darkness
Being an Angel of Darkness, you switched sides going to evil. You are the darkness from of all angels. Your views of everything chance, once positive now negitive. You are bent on revenge and taking over anything that stands in your way. Loving only pain and suffering of others. You are still very beautiful in a bold way, not elegent as you once were. You do Satans dirty work. You loath the angel you once were, you plot to take over the heavens and make the all the angels there suffer.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

I'd like to meet:

I wanna shake the hand of a genius...Mister. Marilyn Fuckin' Manson. I'd also like to meet my numerous idols: Alice Cooper, Ozzy Osbourne, Corey Taylor of Slipknot 'n the rest of Slipknot, Rob Zombie, Otep...the list is endless, I assure you. 'N, pretty much anyone that wants to meet me, I suppose.

The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level Score
Purgatory (Repenting Believers) Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers) Low
Level 2 (Lustful) Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous) Very Low
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious) Very Low
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy) Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics) Low
Level 7 (Violent) Very High
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers) High
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous) Moderate
Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test



I LOVE shock rock 'n different kinds of metal. I also like different kinds of music/artists includin' ALMOST anything from the eighties, different kinds of rap (mostly gangsta) 'n pop. I listen to VERY lil' of that, though. I listen to very lil' classical 'n country...not really into the new shit that's out. I like country back when it was fuckin' country, damn it. Anyway, here's some shit that you'll find me usually listenin' to...
† A Dozen Furies † † Accept † † Alice Cooper † † Alice in Chains † † Arch Enemy † † Atreyu † † Beethoven † † Black Label Society † † Black Sabbath † † Buckcherry † † Cellblock-One † † Chimaira † † Cinderella † † Coal Chamber † † Cornerstone (back in the day) † † Cradle of Filth † † Crossfade † † Danzig † † Deep Purple † † Def Leppard † † Disturbed † † Dope † † Dropbox † † Evanescence † † Evans Blue † † Fear Factory † † Fifteen Reasons † † Flaw † † Fuel † † Genesis † † Godhead † † Godsmack † † Guns 'n Roses † † Hatebreed † † Heart † † H.I.M. † † Hinder † † Hurt † † Ill Nino † † Insane Clown Posse † † Iron Maiden † † Jack Off Jill † † Judas Priest † † Killswitch Engage † † KISS † † Kittie † † Korn † † Lacuna Coil † † Lamb of God † † Life of Agony † † Lynyrd Skynyrd † † Marilyn Manson † † Megadeth † † Mercy Fall † † Metallica (back in the day) † † Ministry † † Monster Magnet † † Motorhead † † Motley Crue † † Mudvayne † † Mushroomhead † † Nickelback † † Nine Inch Nails † † Opeth † † Otep † † Ozzy Osbourne † † Pantera † † Paul Wall † † Queensryche † † Rammstein † † Rob Zombie † † Salvia † † Scorpions † † Seether † † Sepultura † † Sevendust † † Six Feet Under † † Snoop Doggy Dogg † † Soil † † Spineshank † † Static-X † † S.T.M.P. (Start the Mosh Pit) † † Stone Sour † † Strapping Young Lad † † System of a Down † † Taproot † † Three Days Grace † † Thrice † † To My Surprise † † Tool † † Type O Negative † † Van Halen †
'N the list goes on 'n on...

Take the quiz:
What Kind Of Metal Are You?

Thrash Metal
Pioneered by Bay Area titans Metallica, Exodus and Slayer, thrash metal was the most extreme act in the 80s. It was known for singer/guitar combos, huge drum sets, and minute-log guitar solos. It is no longer around, but you are a metal hero for loving thrash.

Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


I..D. Comin' in second are comedies.


I don't really watch too much television nowadays 'cause it's simply not as good as it use to be. I don't really do reality T.V. Although, I've really gotten into "The Flavor of Love" 'n haven't missed an episode of that yet. I watch a variety of things 'n basically, I channel surf 'n if I see something interestin', I'll watch it. If not, I just keep flippin' through the channels.


I don't really have any favorite authors or favorite genres. I read whatever seems interestin' to me 'n even if it sucks, I'll still read it 'till I'm finished...just won't read it ever again. However, I do have a few favorites...my all time favorite book is "Go Ask Alice". I love readin' "The Giver" 'n "The Time Machine" 'n basically anything that has to do with time travelin'. I really got into the "Chronicles of Narnia", before it became a movie.


My biggest hero of all time would hafta be Marilyn Manson. If it weren't for him or his music, I dunno where I would be today. His music 'n listenin' to him in interviews just helped me through more shit than I could ever imagine. If it weren't for him, I'd be just another follower 'n I'd be completely afraid to be myself. Plus, if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have gone back to wantin' to be a Rock Star. Actually, in all honesty, if it weren't for him 'n his music, I'd probably be dead. Comin' in second would hafta be my family, friends, 'n some other celebrities...all heros in their own way.
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My Blog

The Time As Come (Introduction to the Blogs...Newbies, Read First)...

              The time has come...I am finally ready to share some of my songs. It's not really music yet, just lyrics. But, yeah.  &nb...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 07:47:00 PST

"The Return of Psyko Bitch" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. October ~2006~ The Return of Psyko Bitch- Lyrics: Verse-One: Betrayed, what you did to me. Lies, what you spewed to me. Fake, what yo...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:11:00 PST

"Solitude" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. September ~2006~ Solitude- Lyrics: Verse-One: I been meanin' to tell you... That this is all so new. I can usually say what I feel. ...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:54:00 PST

"Perished" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. September ~2006~ Perished- Lyrics: Verse-One: Lookin' back at how I use to be... Lookin' at my reflection, what I am now, I can't be...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:30:00 PST

"Forever Forsaken" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. August ~2006~ Forever Forsaken- Lyrics: Verse-One: I've done all I could to prevent this. I've said everything I could so I wouldn't...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 09:35:00 PST

"My Unspoken Love" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. July ~2006~ My Unspoken Love- Lyrics: Verse-One: From the dark shadows, you brought me out into the light. Your eyes met mine with sw...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:19:00 PST

"Unsafe...You Can't Save Me" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. June ~2006~ Unsafe...You Can't Save Me- Lyrics: Verse-One: Stop tryin' to save this fuckin' soul. There's notten you can do to make m...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 06:17:00 PST

"Erase" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. June ~2006~ Erase- Lyrics: Verse-One: All the fuck I'm doin' here is waitin' for you... Waitin' for you to come at me. All the fuck I...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 06:00:00 PST

"This Missin' You is Tearin' Me Apart (My Final Plea, Come Back to Me)" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. May ~2006~ This Missin' You is Tearin' Me Apart (My Final Plea, Come Back to Me) Lyrics: Verse-One: Everything was great right from ...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Sun, 21 May 2006 02:59:00 PST

"Unexpected Love" Lyrics...

Lyrics By: Ashley N. a.k.a. Trinket N.D/F.A. of Dim Perspective. April ~2006~ Unexpected Love Lyrics: Verse-One: I never imagined you could possibly be the one. All I was lookin' for was just a lil...
Posted by ...UnSafe...Only He Can Save Me Now... on Sat, 20 May 2006 12:41:00 PST