she likes to dance profile picture

she likes to dance

lost child

About Me

these photos make me smile :D
ha ha i love these too :)
I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!
doodling, painting, 'making things flat', wrting my signiture everywhere, being generous, going to gigs, listing to and finding new music, mens shirts, hotpants, vintage stores, charity shops, underwear that fits, guys with little tummys, leggins, eyeliner, hairgrips, fairies, nail varnish, going to: panic, teenage kicks, frog, lets kill afterschool klub, dancing, getting a bit..or a lot drunk, spending time with my friends, shopping, talking to new people, guys in cardi's and skinny jeans, finding out that someone you didnt think you liked are actually really nice, finding out things from people that they dont necessarily want to tell you, spreading harmless rumours, being trusted, getting drunk on the street before going to a club, going to the pub, taking the night bus home, long lie ins :)
birthdays and goodbyes x

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

just here keep in contact with everyone from good old adt, the lovelies of network/exp...and the arty folk from camberland


female vocalists, probably all of them..and the usual club indie dancing stuff or course

alessi (music)

hush the many

the tiny

eliza dootlittle

nouvelle vague

rilo kiley

giant drag

the shins


howling bells

the gossip

the long blondes

new young pony club

kate nash

snow patrol

the arcade fire


amilie, mysterious skin, a cinderella story, red dragon, secretary, donnie darko, monster...ANYONE WANT TO SEE HARD CANDY WITH ME??? forest gump, jack and sarah, garden state, the royal tenembaums, the life aquatic, the virgin suicides..


i dont really get to see much tv thesedays, i'm either out at camberwell/a club/pub or i'm at home listening to the radio. ALSO my television is not plugged in so its not like i can just turn it on..lazy i know but is there actually anything good on nowadays? hmmm..i think not


i read chic lit and i'm not ashamed to say so..well, maybe a little.magazines-wise i read Dazed and Confused.


mr henrald sausage

miss rene and mr roly

miss kitty bertle

bogey borges

lozzey lozerson and rachey wicky

lewis...? (i just call him lewis in my head tbh)


My Blog

tales of my first day, bastard stairs and tears of shock

as far as camberwell goes it actually went pretty well i think..talked to a few new people, made a few new friends but to be honest it was pretty boring...i'd gone to covent garden after college, it w...
Posted by she likes to dance on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 02:35:00 PST