just here keep in contact with everyone from good old adt, the lovelies of network/exp...and the arty folk from camberland
female vocalists, probably all of them..and the usual club indie dancing stuff or course
alessi (music)
hush the many
the tiny
eliza dootlittle
nouvelle vague
rilo kiley
giant drag
the shins
howling bells
the gossip
the long blondes
new young pony club
kate nash
snow patrol
the arcade fire
amilie, mysterious skin, a cinderella story, red dragon, secretary, donnie darko, monster...ANYONE WANT TO SEE HARD CANDY WITH ME??? forest gump, jack and sarah, garden state, the royal tenembaums, the life aquatic, the virgin suicides..
i dont really get to see much tv thesedays, i'm either out at camberwell/a club/pub or i'm at home listening to the radio. ALSO my television is not plugged in so its not like i can just turn it on..lazy i know but is there actually anything good on nowadays? hmmm..i think not
i read chic lit and i'm not ashamed to say so..well, maybe a little.magazines-wise i read Dazed and Confused.
mr henrald sausage
miss rene and mr roly
miss kitty bertle
bogey borges
lozzey lozerson and rachey wicky
lewis...? (i just call him lewis in my head tbh)