Tyler Poats. you've been the most amazing friend I think I have ever had, no matter how far apart we are.. we always seem to come back to th beginning.."I like your earrings.." "" :)
Liz Taylor. you = best cousin... EVER? I have had the best times with you, and they are continuing... FOREVER. even though you killed my fish, made me poisonous chocolate milk, waxed my eyebrows OFF... I still love you. :)
Sarah Archie. from dirty granny sex talks, to our lazy music days, you are seriously one of my best friends. I love hanging out with you, and I love when people look at us like we are insane when we laugh at really fucked up shit. by the way, you da fuckin best. I love you Sar bear. :)
Angel Haner. um, where the fuck did you go?? I miss you like crazy.. me and you have had PLENTY of awesome times that I wouldn't take back for the world (even though some of them would probably be best undone), I love you so much, and I hope I see you soon. :)
Alicia Kramer. even though we aren't as close as we used to be, you are still one of my very best friends... we always seem to go through stages of hanging out non-stop to just like, never seeing eachother. the other day I remembered... "how does one go about shitting themselves?"... I STILL haven't figured it out. I love you, man.
Chelsey Reames. man, we have had a lot of fucking fun.. not gonna lie. from our times driving the 'stang to Raymond, to hunting down "pepsi guy".. I can honestly say I have had some of the best times with you. love you. :)