XxmIsS_pAiGexX<3 profile picture


Life without you i cant .i.m.a.g.i.n.e.♥ or can I?

About Me

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--dEvIn..wOw..yOu MeAn EvErYtHiNg To mE!..iTs lIkE wE jUsT pIcKeD uP wHeRe wE lEfT oFf..aNd iTs bEeN gReAt..bEiNg wItH yOu hAs bEeN tHe bEsT 6 mOnThS oF mY lIfE..We AlWaYs HaVe fUn ToGeThEr EvEn wHeN wE aRe jUsT lAyInG aRoUnD..aNd wHeN wE aRe ApArT yOu ArE aLl I tHiNk aBoUt..i Am So GlAd I hAvE yOu BaCk iN mY lIfE..wItH yOu EvErYtHiNg fEeLs rIgHt..lOvEd yOuR hOmE mOvIeS..yOu WeRe sOoO cUtE..oR wHeN wE wEnT tO tHe mOvIeS aNd YoU wErE tHrOwInG sTuFf aT tHoSe LiTtLe gIrLs Or ThE oThEr tImE wE wEnT aNd gOt SpIeD oN bY tErRyS mOm..cAnT fOrGeT tHoSe wOnDeRfUl fIrE wOrKs oN tHe 4Th..oK sO tHeY wErEnT sO wOnDeRfUl..bUt i HaD fUn aNyWaY..aNd i tHiNk yOu DoNt kNoW wHaT yOuR tAlKiNg aBoUt, I sOoO wOn ThAt gAmE oF pUtT-pUtT=)..sO yEs wE hAvE hAd sOmE wOnDeRfUl tImEs..aNd tHeN cOmE tHe cRaZy..yEaH iM tHInKiNg YoU kNoW wHaT iM tAlKiNG aBoUt lOl..bUt yOu HaVe tO aDmIt..iT wAs FuNnY..=)..i LoVe sPeNdInG tImE wItH yOu..YoUr wOnDeRfUl...
- KrIsTyL..yOu KnOw wHaT iT mEaNs tO bE a FrIeNd..i cAn AlWaYs cOuNt oN yOu WhEn I nEeD yOu tHe mOsT aNd YoU aRe aLwAyS tHeRe fOr mE..i MiSs YoU tOnS!..
- FrEeBuRn..oo HoW i LoVe yOu.. iM sUpEr gLaD wE hAvE gOtTeN sO cLoSe tHiS yEaR..bUt i Do WiSh yOu wErE cHeErLiNg tHiS sEaSoN..aNd tHaNkS fOr bEiNg tHeRe wHeN i hAvE nEeDeD tO tAlK..yOu aLwAyS kNoW wHaT tO sAy..i CoUlDnT fInD a BeTtEr lUnCh bUdDy..aNd cOs?.. wHo eLsE wOuLd i MaKe fUn oF wHiLe tHeY sTaLkEd uS oR sTaReD aT tHeMsElF iN tHe miRrOr nOnStOp..i LoVe yOu bOb!..
-BrItTaNy FiNk..mAn O mAn..I lOvE yOu!..Im SuPeR gLaD wE hAvE gOtTeN sO cLoSe..I aLwAyS hAvE fUn wItH yOu..cOs iS cRay wItH uS..bUt SaDlY..=(..tHaT wIlL hAvE tO bE pUt On hOlD tIl nExT yEaR sInCe i HaVe tO sWiTcH tO aFtErNoOn UnTiL nExT yEaR..BuT yOu sE ThAtS oK nOw sInCe wE gO tO tHe sAmE sChOoL=)..iM sUpEr eXcItEd...lOtS oF fUn mEmOrIeS tO cOmE aNd i CaNt wAiT!!!i LoVe yOu!!
LaUrEn..WhAt iT iS hOe?? i MuSt SaY wE hAvE gReAt surprises!.. aNd ToNs Of FuN tOgEtHeR..MaN wAs I ReLiEvEd tO kNoW tHaT i WaSnT tHe oNlY oNe tO sHoP aT tHe kIdS aBeRcRoMbIe..I tHoUgHt i WaS a LoNeR!..wHo pLaYs tEnNiS iN a iBaThInG sUiT?..sTuPiD sKaNk lOl..wE aRe AwEsOmE!!..cAnt WaIt tIl nExT tImE..lOvE yOu!!
- bRaNdY..gOoDnEsS..cOs jUsT wOuLd bE tHe sAmE wItHoUt yOu..fOr oNe..tHe BaNd.. NeUfAiGiNk..sAwEeT..wE aRe aWeSoMe..wE mAkE a GrEaT hOlLoWeEn tEaM.. cOmInG uP wItH tHe iDeA tHe dAy bEfOrE aNd wInNiNg wItH mY wOnDeRfUl IcE cReAm CoNe iDeA..wE aRe tHe sHiT..
And My Guys:
I Love:

* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Brown
Height:: 5'2
Favorite Color:: PINK
Screen Name:: Holly
Favorite Band:: Pussycat Dolls of course
Favorite Movie:: Dumb and Dumber
Favorite Show:: Laguna Beach
Your Car:: Neon a.k.a the race car..
Your Hometown:: Reading
Your Present Town:: Camden
Your Crushes First Name:: Devin
Your Grade:: 11
Your Style:: Preppy
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: umm yeah.. its a hobby you know..haha
Kissed someone in the rain?: can't say im that romantic i guess
Danced in a public place?: all the time
Smiled for no reason?: just tonight
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes i have
Peed your pants after age 8?: im not thinking so
Written a song?: no. a poem though
Sang to someone for no reason?: i love to sing=)
Performed on a stage?: its my favorite
Talked to someone you don't know?: yes i like to make friends
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: not that i know of
Made out in a theatre?: who hasnt
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: i dont think so
Been in love?: i am right now.. its .w.o.n.d.e.r.f.u.l.
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Devin
Tell you, I love you?: Devin
Kiss you?: Devin
Hug you?: Devin
Tell you BYE?: haha Devin.. he just left
Write you a note?: Chelsea
Take your photo?: My brother
Call your cell phone?: My mother
Buy you something?: My mother
Go with you to the movies?: Devin... just tonight actually
Sing to you?: Devin
Write a poem about you?: well if someone did.. they didnt tell me about it..
Text message you?: Kalyn
Touch you?: Devin
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Tonight
Time you cried?: Christmas Eve
Movie you watched?: The Pursuit of Happiness
Joke you told?: hmmm im not sure
Song you've sang?: Build me up buttercup=)
Time you've looked at the clock?: Just now...10:49
Drink you've had?: Water
Number you've dialed?: My moms cell phone
Book you've read?: ha.. its been so long..
Food you've eaten?: Subway
Flavor of gum chewed?: skittles gum
Shoes you've worn?: My brown heels
Store you've been in?: i was in PS today..?
Thing you've said?: Bye
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: No
Whistle?: Yes
Blow a bubble?: Yes
Roll your tounge in a circle?: I suppose..?
Cross your eyes?: Yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: Cant say that i can
Dance?: Duh.. im a ballerina
Gleek?: Whats that?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: No way!!
Speak a different language?: Some Spanish
Impersonate someone?: OO yes i do it all the time..
Prank call people?: Its my favorite
Make a card pyramid?: I can.. but i suck at it..
Cook anything?: Does mac&cheese count?
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: princess.. o wait.. i pretty much am
I wish ...: Devin was here
So many people don't know that ...: well.. i guess they gonna keep not knowing..=)
I am ...: soo gonna be famous
My heart is ...: taken
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How long i have been with my .l.o.v.e.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i AlReAdY mEt hIm..aNd hE iS eVeRyThInG tO mE...hIs nAmE...iS DeViN jAgGeR


-lOtS mOrE..


3tHe LiTtLe MeRmAiD=)


3aMeRiCaN iDoL


mY gIrLs cOmE fIrSt wItH oUt tHeM i WoUlD bE nOwHeRe:
cRaZy tImEs wItH yOu..fRoM 1St gRaDe tIl nOw..gOoDnEsS tHaTs a lOnG tImE..lEtS gEt sTaRtEd..tHe TuBe wE lOsT bEtTeR gEtT lOoKiNg..oUr bOx..sWiMmIn aCroSs tHe lAkE wItH pAiGe aNd aSh..oUr pArTy (nO rEgReTs)..oUr sLeEp oVeR wItH tHe gUyS..oUr 1st tRyoUt (hOw nErVe rAcKiNg)..dOiNg tHe sPlItS oUt yOuR wInDoW (fUn nIgHt)..bEiNg tHeRe fOr mE wHeN i nEeDed yOu mOsT=(..yOuR fIsH i kIlLeD wItH tHe aLl yOu cAn eAt bUfFeT..o aNd yOuR tUrTlE i ThReW aCrOsS tHe yArD..sOrRy aBoUt tHoSe lol..cHeLs yOuR tHe bEsT aNd i cOuLdnT lIvE wItHouT yOu..
wHeRe dO i bEgIn..hAhA..hAd tO aDd ThAt lInE iN hErE..iM sUpEr gLaD wE hAvE sTaRtEd hAnGiNg oUt aGaIn..iTs bEeN sO fUn..tHe wAlMaRt tImEs wE wIlL cHeRiSh fOrEvEr..dReSsInG uP iN tHe dReSsInG rOoM aNd TaKiNg sOmE wOnDeRfUl pIcS..aNd aLl tHe oThEr PiCs wE hAvE tAkEn lIkE pEeP mY tAt!.....nOt pAyInG aT tHaT sOfTbAlL tOuRnEy..hAhA..oPpS mY bAd..oUr 3 hOuR tAlK aBoUt God..sO mAnY gOoD tImEs aLrEaDy aNd wE hAvE oNlY jUsT bEgUn!!..lOvE yOu
DiDnT hAvE yOu aT cOz..iT wOuLd bE sUpEr bOrInG..cRoCaNoKaLs JuSt wOuLdNt bE tHe sAmE haha.. sO iM tHiNkInG wE aRe gOiNg tO mAkE iT bIg..oUr bAnD tHaT iS...nEuFaIgInK..gOtTa lOvE iT..aNd DaRlA..sHe hAs gOt tO bE mY iDoL..hAhA sOrRy aBoUt yOuR kNeE aT tHe dAnCe..bUt i wAs GlAd yOu WeRe tHeRe=)..aLrEaDy sO mAnY mEmOrIeS aNd lOtS mOrE tO cOmE.. i♥yOu...
mAnY mEmOrIeS..fRoM bEiNg lItTlE aNd mE tAkInG tHe bEtTeR tOyS..tO sPaNiSh 2 tHiS yEaR wItH eL sTuMpO..wE wErE bAd kIdS iN tHeRe..iLl nEvEr fOrGeT ThAtS sIgN..eL sTuMpO Es MuY cRaByOsO..hAhA..OMG mArTa..=)..oR sOfTbAlL sEaSoN..yOu AlMoSt gEtTiNg hIt bY mR A..sCaReY..bUt vErY fUnNy..aNd jOrDaN aNd i MaKiNg Up a RaP aBoUt iT..sH*t F*cK c*Ck, hErE cOmEs A tRoCk..wElL iM nOt tHe bEsT rApPeR..hAhA..yOu ArE tHe bEsTeSt bAlLeT bUdDy..yEaH sO wE hAvE hAd a rEcIdAl cOmInG fOr oVeR a yEaR nOw lOl..tHaT bOoK wE mAdE wAs hElPfUl..=)..gOoD tHiNg yOuR mY tWiN aNd i DoNt hAvE oNe lIkE jAcKiE!! hAhA..tHaT wAs sOoO fUnNy..i gUeSs i dIdNt NoTiCe We WeRe RoLlInG oN tHe gRoUnD.. sHe jUsT dOeSnT kNoW a FuNnY jOkE wHeN sHe hEaRs oNe!..hAhA i lOvE yOu BrEnNa..
(FEETS)..WhEn We ArE ToGeThEr We ArE UnStOpPAbLe..IlL NeVeR FoRgEt ThE FuN TiMeS We HaVe HaD..We FiNd WaYs To MaKe OuR OwN FuN..WeaThEr ItS At My hOuSe WaTcHiNg DuMb AnD DuMBeR AlL NiGhT Or DrIvInG ArOuNd HiLlSdAlE WiTh CaM AsKiNg PeOpLe To RaCe..We AlWaYs HaVe A BlAsT..DoNt FoRgEt AbOuT LeAp YeAr..YoU KnOw..WhEn ThErE ArE LoTs Of FrOgS..HaHa YoUr NoT tHe BrIgHtEsT SoMeTiMeS BuT We LoVe you..
bOrInG wItH oUt yOuR dEeP tHoUgHtS..mIsS tHe lAtE nIgHtS pLaYiN hAyAbUsSa..hAhA..oR tHe cAlLs tO rAnDoM pEoPlE..HELLO?..sUpEr fUn..wE cAn bUsT oUt sOmE mAd rApS..wHaT?..iN mY rEd bAg..aNd nEvEr fOrGeT oUr cAr rUlEs..sTcK tO tHeM tOo!..lUvZ
mIsS yOu..lOtS of wOnDeRfUl tImEs..wE sHoUlD sTaY aWaY fRoM wInDoWs..tHeY tEnD tO gEt bRoKeN..aNd iLl nEvEr fOrGeT cHeLsEaS sUpEr mAn lOl..oR wHeN i gOt iN mY fIrSt fIgHt eVeR aNd bRoKe yOuR gLaSsEs 3Rd gRaDe wAs fUn hUh;)..gIrL i lOvE yA
aNd fOr ThOsE oF yOu wHo SaY tHeY aRe A gOoD fRiEnD aNd tUrN aRoUnD aNd tAlK sHiT...iD lIkE tO sAy tHaNk yOu!..sErIoUsLy...fOr sHoWiNg mE wHo mY TRUE fRiEnDs aRe..iM sUrE iF yOuR tHe rIgHt pErSoN yOu WiLl cAtCh tHe hInT...

My Blog

aLl aBoUt mE!=)

My NaMe Is HoLlY iM rEaLlY fUn Im NoT iN tRaCk i HaTe To RuN Im WiLd aNd cRaZy aNd OuT oF cOnTrOl AnD wHaT cAn I sAy? tHaTs HoW i RoLl! Im 16 YeArS oLd tOtAlLy CoOl Im A sOpHoMoRe ThIs YeAr aT rEaDiNg...
Posted by XxmIsS_pAiGexX<3 on Mon, 15 May 2006 02:39:00 PST

oo gOoDnEsS..boys!

hmmm.. why is life so confusing.. mostly guys.. doesnt matter how many times you get hurt by that one person.. you will always feel for them and i just dont understand it.. i try so hard to control my...
Posted by XxmIsS_pAiGexX<3 on Sun, 14 May 2006 02:20:00 PST