Choy profile picture


I am here for Dating

About Me

aBoUt mE?? NoW tHaT's A tOuGh qUeStiON.... WeLL hErE gOeS.... a SiMpLe gUy tHat kNoWs hOw tO hAvE SoMe FuN iN LiFe.... qUiEt aNd SiNcErE, tHat's tWo tHiNgS tHat i CaN DeScRiBe mYsElF... 5'8 in HeIgHt, FaiR cOmPleXion aNd dEfiNiTeLy cErTiFiEd cUtE!!whEtHer yOu LiKe it oR nOt... hahaha!! i DoNt GiVe a DamN wHaT yOu tHiNk aBoUt mE... tHis iS mE and i LoVe it.... So ShUt tHe HeLL uP aNd Go F*Ck yOuRsElF if Yah GoNnA sAy BaD tHiNgS AbOuT mE ayT? i LoVe mAh CrEw!!! ThEy OwEiZ sUppOrT iN AnY wAy tHaT tHeY cAn... ThEy MaDe mE... WHaT i Am RiGhT NoW... VeRy Gr8FuL tHeM!! So iM GoNna SuPPoRt TheM tOo... RiGht BaCk aT ThEm...LOL!!Myspace Layouts @

My Interests

++Ragnarok++ ++Gunbound++ ++NBA Live 2004++ NBA 2005++ ++Need for Speed Underground++ Need For Speed Underground2++ ++Surf sa Net++ ++Mag Yosi ng Marlboro++ ++Tumambay sa KoKonet with mah crew++ ++Mag Disco sa Timog++ ++Uminom sa WoW Philippines++ ++Tumambay sa Boardwalk++ ++Tumambay sa Antipolo++ ++Mag inuman with the crew++

I'd like to meet:

people that are fun to hang-out and down to earth!! ung mga people na gs2 akong mging friend!! hehehehe ",


RnB's and Sentimentals!!!


Dare Devil, Bad B0ys I, Bad B0ys II, The Fast and the Furious, 2Fast 2Furious, LXG, Honey, You got Served, Spiderman, Spiderman 2, Troy, I Robot, 50 First Dates, The Prince And Me, Duplex, Tool Box Murderers