Eleanor profile picture


El - What comes before Part B? PARTAAAAAY!!!

About Me

I am a 3rd year Graphic Design student by day and fun-loving student by night! I go to the University of Northumbria in Newcastle which I love MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I love travelling! I went to China this summer! Football and the aforementioned Blackburn Rovers. Socialising (getting trollied!) Shopping, due to my financial state this is currently restricted to Primark. There must be some other stuff...I'll think on it. Am trying to get interested in the gym but keep swearing never to go back after being reduced to a wheezing purple mess! Now thats attractive.

I'd like to meet:

Jack from Home and Away! Nothing like a man in uniform.


I could do with some recommendations of new music actually! Getting very bored of my current collection so if anyone has any ideas let me know!! :D


The Day After Tomorrow! Have watched it about 20 times. I like the story but mainly it's just for Jake Gyllenhaal.Beauty and the Beast. I love disney! The Wedding Singer and general Adam Sandler films.


I don't even know where to start....from half five til seven every day I have to get a fix of neighbours, home and away and hollyoaks. I love the O.C, Scrubs, King of Queens,and Friends. Those are the main ones. But I'm basically a big coach potato!


I love reading new Harry Potter books like the big geek that I am, but I have to admit I don't have a whole lot of time to spend reading at the moment!


Well my biggest heroes at the moment are all inventors... 1. Samsung for designing a phone that can survive a whole cycle in the washing machine! Respect2. The inventor of the smoke alarm has saved me several times recently!3. And last but not least, the inventor of hair straighteners!!

My Blog

I should be doing Coursework!

Just got back to uni! Went and caught up with Peter which involved a compromise of going to the pub to watch Leeds V Preston and shopping, not sure who did better out of that deal! Tomorrow I'm g...
Posted by Eleanor on Mon, 01 May 2006 06:09:00 PST