I'd like to meet:
Who from McFly would you go out with?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Tom
Tom and you would make the perfect couple. You both love 60's music and are really caring. Awwwww... bless ya!
Perfect Partner Survey
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How tall should they be? About 5ft 7/9
What should they weigh? ------
What hair color should they have? Brown
What kind of personality should they have? Fun, sensative, caring
Older or younger? Oldaer
Serious or carefree? Carefree
Spontainous or hesitant? Spontainous
Brutally honest or tight-lipped? Honest
Beautiful or intelligent? Bit of Both
Movie or a restuarnt? Movie
What film actor should they most be like? Tom cruise
What singer should they most be like? Tom from Mcfly
Should they make all the money? Nope
Do they need to cook? Would be nice!
What is their best body part? Eyes
What body part do you not care about? ----
Desk job or physical labour? I Quite like men in suits lol
What car should they drive? any
What one thing completely turns you off? Unhonesty
What one thing completely turns you on? A guy who takes control.
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