Sex, Drugs, Rock And Roll...Racing, Guitars, Anything Malicious LOL!
The first person on my friends list...I guess good things come to those who wait?!?!? The rest of the cool people on my list I haven't met in person. Yeah we all gotta get together and party...kind of like the Yahoo parties. A stripper thats worthy of being on stage. A president capable of running a country. A municipal employee who works. A cop that doesn't eat donuts. A Burger King employee that can speak English. A bicyclist who doesn't block traffic. The inventor of plastic packaging so I can punch him/her. The president of Yahoo so I can kick him/her for doing away with YCHT. Bill Gates so I can slap him for his crappy software.
Slayer, Ozzy/Black Sabbath, Blizzard Of Ozz,Korn, Metallica, Kreator, Motley Crue, Beatles, The Cars, Steve Vai, CCR, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Disturbed, Sublime, Blizzard Of Ozz, Megadeth, Hatebreed, King Diamond, Dimmu Borgir, Lamb of God, Slipknot, Cradle Of Filth, Suicidal Tendencies, Gwar, Judas Priest, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Velvet Underground, Hendrix, and anything else that hurts my ears!
Horror, Comedy, Whatever......
Ok so I got kinda hooked all the "crime" shows but only because it teaches how not to get caught LOL.
Anything Stephen King.
All the Moms, Dads, Sons, Daughters, Etc that are serving and dying for this poor excuse of a country.